Rabu, 21 Januari 2009
Compass Education.
How ever brought to the Children We?
Deep grief education we wrap up dead conscience (some) teachers and (in part) of the students we have just followed the national exam (UNAS). Patutlah ditorehkan in the history of our nation bobroknya a generation in the academic year 2008/2009, especially in the 33 high schools from 8 provinces in this country's beloved (and still may be more (Jawa Pos 2/6/09). It is very sad, apprehensive, and painful.
Sejatinya, UNAS gist is standardized (national) of the country. That many interests and other things attached to it, it is a different matter. Is very much be pitied, all interests are not taken to achieve the UNAS keyword: standardization (national). But only to graduation.
Apart from the UNAS for whom, miris to be careful because this has been a lot of violations in the implementation, including the last seconds. In fact, already done so many positive from the preparation of various parties (including students) who spent time, energy, and cost that is not small. As if, all of these become useless, except to write off the history of education in the country.
Mengenaskan. How does not. Aspects of education, things that is diagung-agungkan characteristics in the formation of a generation of the nation, has tercoreng by the existence of a mass movement that involves the systematic students of this country to kill''and''world intellectual ability. Moral education (through school, and religion) simply evaporate, as it were, will never have in their personality. Extraordinary danger delitescence this!
I imagine the dreadful impact of the future for generations such as this one. Where they engage in systematic agreement (whether with or without compulsion, and are not be) all the way to menghalalkan UNAS for graduation. As itukah basic values that we tanamkan for them?
If it continues so, which would be brought to our students? Remember, they are part of the future of this nation that we want to reminded of the nation as a progressive and noble berbudaya based Pancasila. Not as a swindler, corruptor, or other negative images. What did the world?
Do Pembenahan
Learning from this case, the government must take decisive steps. Without exception, any party involved in all this process should be a proportionate sanction. Then, it's time membenahi implementation of our education system, from upstream to downstream.
Even, if necessary, re-evaluate your system, refer to the PDCA cycle (plan, do, check, action) and the steps POAC (planning, organizing, Actuating, controlling). Need to be re-controlling the first was known in the form of embedded control. Do not''original''happy father. We have much to leave the patterns.
Pembenahan that can be done is internal and external. Start input stage (input), process, until eventually the output (output). Internally must get extra attention, namely students, educators, and educational institutions.
Other aspects in the internal pembenahan for students and educators is empowerment (empowering). Thus, they become confident in the education process, so no longer need the forms in the process of cheating is because they truly believe themselves capable of doing all of that.
The spirit that brought in pembenahan are improvements to the healthy competition with the people of the world. Depart from there, we can not menoleransi efforts dwarf the potential of our students.
We have proven, many of the students we are able to compete with fret achievement level education in the international arena. Not a few more. The world also began to consider and respect the outcome put the education system this country. Do not we nodai it.
Action Not Right
The more painful in this case is the solution that is being prepared: UNAS back. Lie in front of the eyes and how many great sacrifice of time, energy, and cost more to''generation involved recording the history of this''bad. Then, how about those in other parts of the country which is not passed because''not participate in the recording history?''They also have the same rights to attend the re-examination!
Apart from cheating clause (systematic and massive), a policy that should be taken for cases like this is to follow what has been outlined in our education system. Namely, that they do not call the pass-it-any of the test. Similarly, institutions / schools should get involved in sanctions. There is no compromise.
This becomes very important because the next generation of this nation should have to apply that we teach together,''the law''punishment and reward. Menghalalkan law''is not any way''to achieve a goal. Indeed, generation of this nation will be able appreciate the certainty that every action has consequences: the consequences of both a positive and vice versa.
Positive mental attitude like that will form the character of each of the students we are. Character that is, according to experts, is the essence of leadership. When the students now know the consequences of our actions, we can soon expect many of them can lead this nation with a more intelligent, so that the world can see the benefits of our nation with respect. (By Ohm ).(*)
*) Dr Sugiharto MARS, lecturer at the Faculty of Medical Wijaya Kusuma University Surabaya
Selasa, 20 Januari 2009
Where is justice?
The weakness in the form Manohara
Beautiful women, family issues called Manohara Odelia Pinot with her husband who came from Malaysia siphon attention of many parties. As a fellow child of the nation, the author is concerned with the issue of succession Manohara family. Hopefully all problems have a quick way to find out the answer. It is very interesting is when some members of the House of Representatives (even the president and vice president) participated in giving attention to the problems of this family. The author wondered, what the leaders on the state to give great attention to the issue of family Manohara? Manohara because what a woman having a certain beautiful, or because Manohara comes from the family is enough? The weakness Manohara family problems (with all the responses as above) reflects the weakness of some nations to be considered by all parties. At least in the three main things. First, the nation tends to be discriminatory to treat people. The issues faced by families and are honored, especially from the officials, tended to get greater attention from all parties rather than their problems come from families who can not afford or mob. Attention to the problems of large families are not only coming from the leader country, but also from the media who have, either in print or electronic media. Recognized or not, many in this country who have experienced the problems of the family very seriously. Not only the issue of domestic violence as experienced Manohara, but the issues in the more crucial, such as the need to cover all shortfalls in daily life. Manohara (may be) is correct in the case of domestic violence. However, violence in the household that they must scrounge for the need to cover day-to-day life is much more severe and tighten. Not infrequently, violence in the family such as this make young children should be there to beg here. Violence in their families have made their children lose the opportunity to learn. Violence in their family has been making children gadisnya simply can not afford to buy new clothes, let alone buy clothes-sheen used Manohara. Where is the country's attention to the problems of families like this? Where is the media attention to their tragic fate? Do they need to dress up beautiful first (like Manohara) to get all the attention? This is not fair! Second, weak protection of the state against citizens, especially those in foreign (WNI). Either case is how many thousands of children that overrides the nation abroad, such as the issue of wages was minimal, the treatment of the employer, and so forth. In general, the issues faced by children in foreign nations become clogged when dealing with the rule of law and local state. As a result, the issues are not solved quickly and correctly. In other words, the bargaining position of the nation is so weak in front of foreign countries. Both in the environment of Asia, the Middle East, or other. Those who have problems in overseas kerapkali not get protection from the country. It is concern when the children of the nation abroad lose protection from the state. They must fight and face all the problems that have "a kara". But, the more concern is the issue they rarely get the attention of the media in the country and the leaders of the country. Third, the weak role (protection) Keduataan of the Republic of Indonesia (Indonesian embassy) in foreign countries. So far, this is not only about the weakness of the Manohara KBRI. Almost all citizens abroad who have experienced problems have the same complaint. As representatives of the country abroad, the Indonesian embassy in can not fully blame. Like light, KBRI only "reflect" light from the center. When strong light in the center, the reflection KBRI will also be strong. Similarly, vice versa. In conditions like this, Indonesia's position in the foreign countries to be a "source" of all issues, as well as the "source" of all the required exit. For, as presented above, the weak bargaining position in Indonesia before the foreign countries to make this nation can not afford to protect their children with problems overseas. Therefore, to improve the bargaining position of Indonesia in the global political stage be absolute. Thus, the issues that have WNI can be completed quickly and precisely. The challenge Capres Three issues on the challenges to be serious candidates for the president and vice president (Capres-cawapres) that will fight in the upcoming presidential election. Three issues above require real work, not just a campaign slogan to attract people's attention. In economic matters, for example, problems of poverty and the proletariat must be the main concern. Of course, attention is not just rant menggembor with the term "economic democracy" as the popularity of late. Next, the sovereignty of the nation must be firm and committed so that the nation has a high bargaining position in front of foreign countries. Enforcement of this can only be done in a way to empower and complete the problem (economic) faced the mob. This is because they are the main backbone of the nation! *).by ohm.
(*)- Zulaicha, housewife, living in Jakarta.
Senin, 19 Januari 2009
Since the importance of Early Organization.
Empowering employees
There are many differences defenisi empowerment (Empowerment) is raised by the experts. According to Noe et.al (1994) is the empowerment of responsibility and authority to work to take all decisions concerning product development and decision making. Meanwhile, according to Khan (1997) is the empowerment of personal relationships to build a sustainable trust between employees and management. Byars and Rue (1997) gave the Empowerment is a form of decentralization involving the subordinate to make decisions.
Defenisi of the above can be taken from a variety of important issues of empowerment, namely: first, the responsibility and authority to employees. Second, to create conditions of trust between management and employees. Third, the employee Involvement namely employee involvement in decision making.
Sharafat Khan (1997) offers a model of empowerment that can be developed in an organization. Model is the empowerment that is:
1. Desire. The first stage in the model Empowerment is the willingness of management to involve workers and mendelegasikan. Which includes, among other things this:
• Workers are given the opportunity to identify problems that are developing.
• directivepersonality out and expand the involvement of workers.
• Encourage the creation of a new perspective and to rethink the strategy work.
• describe the skills and team training for the employees themselves (self - control
2. Trust. Once the desire of management to conduct empowerment, the next step is to build trust between management and employees. There is mutual trust between the member organizations will create good conditions for the exchange of information and advice without fear. Things - including in the trust are:
• Giving employees the opportunity to participate in policy making.Sharafat Khan (1997) offers a model of empowerment that can be developed in an organization. Model is the empowerment that is:
1. Desire. The first stage in the model Empowerment is the willingness of management to involve workers and mendelegasikan. Which includes, among other things this:
• Workers are given the opportunity to identify problems that are developing.
• directivepersonality out and expand the involvement of workers.
• Encourage the creation of a new perspective and to rethink the strategy work.
• describe the skills and team training for the employees themselves (self - control
2. Trust. Once the desire of management to conduct empowerment, the next step is to build trust between management and employees. There is mutual trust between the member organizations will create good conditions for the exchange of information and advice without fear. Things - including in the trust are:
• Provide time and resources are sufficient for the employee in completing work.
• Provide training that is adequate for the needs of work.
• Respect and appreciate the differences of views that achieve success by employees.
• Provide adequate access to information.
3. Confident. The next step after the trust is the confidence cause employees with respect to the ability of the employee. Things - including the actions that can cause confident among others:
• Mendelegasikan tasks that are important to employees.
• excavate ideas and suggestions from employees.
• Extending the tasks and build networks between departments.
• Provide schedule job instruction and encourage the settlement of the good.
4.Credibility. The fourth step to maintain credibility with the awards and to develop a work environment that encourages a healthy competition so that the organization has created a high performance. This credibility is included among others:
• Looking employees as a strategic partner
• Increasing the target in all parts of the job
• Introducing initiatives for individuals to make changes through participation
• Assist in determining the difference between completing the objectives and priorotas
5. Accountibility
Stage in the process of empowerment is more responsibility on the employees of the authority given. By setting clear and consistent about the role, standards and goals of the assessment of the performance of employees, this step as a means of evaluating the performance of employees in the settlement and the responsibilities of the authority given. This includes the accountability, among others:
• Using the line training in evaluating the performance of employees
• Provide a clear task and the size of the clear
• Involve employees in determining the size and standard
• Provide advice and assistance to employees in completing work load
• Provide a period of time and giving feedback
6.Communication. The last step is the communication that is open to creating mutual understanding between employees and management. This openness can be realized with the criticisms and suggestions on the results and achievements of the workers. It is included in the communication, among others:
• Define the open door communication policy
• Provide time to obtain and distribute information to the public issues
• Creating opportunities for cross - training
Model above illustrates that a series of empowerment is a process done in stages in the organization in order to achieve optimal and build awareness of the member organizations of the importance of the empowerment process so that the necessary commitment from the members of the organization. With the authority and responsibility will lead to employee motivation and commitment to the organization.(*).(by Ohm).
• Increasing the target in all parts of the job
• Introducing initiatives for individuals to make changes through participation
• Assist in determining the difference between completing the objectives and priorotas
5. Accountibility
Stage in the process of empowerment is more responsibility on the employees of the authority given. By setting clear and consistent about the role, standards and goals of the assessment of the performance of employees, this step as a means of evaluating the performance of employees in the settlement and the responsibilities of the authority given. This includes the accountability, among others:
• Using the line training in evaluating the performance of employees
• Provide a clear task and the size of the clear
• Involve employees in determining the size and standard
• Provide advice and assistance to employees in completing work load
• Provide a period of time and giving feedback
6.Communication. The last step is the communication that is open to creating mutual understanding between employees and management. This openness can be realized with the criticisms and suggestions on the results and achievements of the workers. It is included in the communication, among others:
• Define the open door communication policy
• Provide time to obtain and distribute information to the public issues
• Creating opportunities for cross - training
Model above illustrates that a series of empowerment is a process done in stages in the organization in order to achieve optimal and build awareness of the member organizations of the importance of the empowerment process so that the necessary commitment from the members of the organization. With the authority and responsibility will lead to employee motivation and commitment to the organization.(*).(by Ohm).
(*) -Posted in HRD on May 8, 2009 by shelmi.
Minggu, 18 Januari 2009
Resept Performance
The concept of Merit Pay and Performance Rating
Merit a word derives from the English language that has services, benefits and achievements. Thus Merit Pay is a payment rewards (reward) associated with the service or work performance (performance) or a benefit that employees have been given to the organization. The simple concept of merit pay is a payment system that link the reward (reward) with the achievement of (performacne) employees. Implications of the concept of merit pay that someone with a strong performance, it will obtain a higher reward as well as vice versa. That is, the higher the performance of the employees will be the higher the increase in return. Merit pay plan is a procedure for a salary that is based compensation system that is performance based salary or wages of individuals beyond the period measured tertentu.Untuk based perstasi payment or performance of the system is part of the regular payment of workers should be regularly evaluated their performance (performance appraisal ).
Rating employee performance is an absolute requirement that management must be done so that merit pay can be applied properly, the general assumption in the business that merit pay is a payment to compensate karywan that has high performance and the provision of incentives for the continuation of good performance. To find out the performance of employees is high or low need of a good assessment of the management. For if the assessment system is not good, then also the application of merit pay will not be effective. So one of the key bekerjanya merit pay system will depend on how well the system performance evaluation (performance appraisal) in the organization (Brookes, 1993).
This is presented by Wilkerson (1995) that most of the assessment for this performance can not be accepted because it has a weakness, namely:
This is presented by Wilkerson (1995) that most of the assessment for this performance can not be accepted because it has a weakness, namely:
1. Staff workers, managers tied to many systems, processes and people. However, the assessment focused only on individual performance, this is the assessment that is not the individual not as a system in an organization.
2. Rating the performance of the system in the organization is consistent, and can be predicted. But in reality the system and the process is a subject that can be changed because management must consciously make changes in accordance with the abilities and the demands of business.
3. Demanding requirements of performance assessment process that objective, consistent and fair can be trusted, but the other will be the assessment of performance can be viewed as employees of the memdadak and based favoritisme. Schüler and Jackson (1999) recommends that before implementing performance-based reward systems will need to make an assessment of the depth of these questions.
There are ten questions that must be answered before implementing performance-based rewards system, namely: (1) What is the payment by employees of votes. (2) What is the target to be achieved by performance-based rewards system. (3) What is the value for the organization's system of payment performance. (4) Can performance be measured accurately. (5) How often is performance measured, and in the evaluation. (6) Level I unit (individual, group, or organization) that will be used to distribute the reward. (7) How akan charge associated with the performance (eg through increased services, bonuses, commissions or incentives) (8) Does the organization have adequate financial resources to make that payment based on the performance meaningful. (9) Phase-stage what will be adopted to ensure that employees and management have a commitment to that system (10) The stages of what will be to monitor and control system.2. Rating the performance of the system in the organization is consistent, and can be predicted. But in reality the system and the process is a subject that can be changed because management must consciously make changes in accordance with the abilities and the demands of business.
3. Demanding requirements of performance assessment process that objective, consistent and fair can be trusted, but the other will be the assessment of performance can be viewed as employees of the memdadak and based favoritisme. Schüler and Jackson (1999) recommends that before implementing performance-based reward systems will need to make an assessment of the depth of these questions.
So that performance assessment can be carried out with both methods required to meet the requirements below, namely:
(1) What is measured is really the achievement and not other factors, such as involving personal. (2) Using tolokukur clear and have a guarantee that the measurements are objective.
(3) to understand, and be fully understood by all members of organizations involved.
(4) is carried out consistently, and fully supported by top leaders of the organization (Ruky, 1996).(*).(by Ohm). sumber : Eka Nuraini, merit pay : meningkatkan atau menghalangi kinerja
(*) -Posted in HRD on May 12, 2009 by shelmi.
Sabtu, 17 Januari 2009
Career development.!!
Career in word knowledge Biology of nature have any meaning.
Career is a process. There are ways and channels to develop. Quality companies always trying to create a career ladder in accordance with the capacity, quality and employee dedication and contribution for the achievement of a prime.
Career is part of the travel and living a purpose. Everyone has the right and obligation to achieve a successful career that well, it is
obsession. opinion that have been established and we often find real life in the community, that someone will be successful or successful in his career where someone has to be positioned or manager or head of an institution in both the government and the private sector. With the perception of this kind of recognition and get a feel valued, respected both in the work environment, the family and in the community . Status and dignity to be picked up and became a solitary pride.
Whatever the reasons, with a clear position that has been Retrieved is a "yardstick" for himself and power, can also considered as a source of legitimacy to do something, to achieve a career to a higher position.It is true that someone's position is based on the legitimacy of power. May also regard the material for someone, the connection, reference is considered as a source of power, this depends on social environment and cultural background that formed the system of values and perceptions. The problem is whether such perceptions are still relevant in the era of globalization of competition nowadays, where concepts, ideas, information and expertise is a source of power. Presumably so that we perla reorientasi mistaken interpretation of the position where the vertical orientation the only career success someone can be straightened so that the negative impact can by others. Hit, for example Rinse oriented an organization that focuses on the development of his career and only to the structural position, but is limited to structural, process and career development and their own way and not clear what the criteria, which clearly will not grow professionalism as you talk.
"Standard informal group".
Behavior of the structural position dipaskakan direction can make the climate system as a political organization that lead to the "Political Behavuor" in which the working relationship, roles, career someone in the organization are not clear, and the direction is not consistent with the objectives of the organization.
In a flexible organization and dynamic levels of career development and promotion process is not done in a vertical but horizontal more often, the skill level of someone's views akan deskripsinya not only in his organization. Each person in a organiasi certainly have the potential to achieve career and achievements. The most important of all directed to the path or direction of the right and match the capabilities, Baku-love ideals, and achievement so that employees with a reasonably good, does not feel itself does not increase his career and seems to misfire.
Thus, the management faces a challenge in the face and able to handle a career employee. Need concept for the process of career development and a clear, systematic and well planned. If you do not neglect this impossible potential and employees who will leave the company well. Need career development process as a need to answer and Responding this problem. Career as a disempatkan have to establish a career plan with the bridge between the skills, desire and purpose to the needs and objectives of the company. Azas "The Win-Win Situation" will create a balanced condition between employees and companies in the face of the future full of changes and challenges. I believe that to participate in the process, especially for career satisfaction and increased employee.
Behavior of the structural position dipaskakan direction can make the climate system as a political organization that lead to the "Political Behavuor" in which the working relationship, roles, career someone in the organization are not clear, and the direction is not consistent with the objectives of the organization.
In a flexible organization and dynamic levels of career development and promotion process is not done in a vertical but horizontal more often, the skill level of someone's views akan deskripsinya not only in his organization. Each person in a organiasi certainly have the potential to achieve career and achievements. The most important of all directed to the path or direction of the right and match the capabilities, Baku-love ideals, and achievement so that employees with a reasonably good, does not feel itself does not increase his career and seems to misfire.
Thus, the management faces a challenge in the face and able to handle a career employee. Need concept for the process of career development and a clear, systematic and well planned. If you do not neglect this impossible potential and employees who will leave the company well. Need career development process as a need to answer and Responding this problem. Career as a disempatkan have to establish a career plan with the bridge between the skills, desire and purpose to the needs and objectives of the company. Azas "The Win-Win Situation" will create a balanced condition between employees and companies in the face of the future full of changes and challenges. I believe that to participate in the process, especially for career satisfaction and increased employee.
The process of career is a process that the company deliberately created to help employees to better enhance career. Career is an important part of the change and will continue to happen in the way of life and work of employees.
Performance Management, Continuos Improvement and help create a career all participation in the workplace, where the purpose of the company.
The process of career, a framework that was built in an effort to help employees, such as:
• clearly describe the skills, values, goals and needs for career development.
• Plan to reach career goals
• The continuous evaluation. Revise and improve the design.
Thus, a relationship between employee communication with management or the company is a major process of career goals. Of course, the process to achieve a good career perla we observe the principles of:
• Employees responsible for own career
• Expertise employees based on the business itself struggle
• Planning a career is made knowingly and voluntarily
• Continuos Improvement for using the personal
• Success is described well by their own self-employee
Essentially the process of career is a process of interaction in the partnership and cooperation between the company's partners, namely: the company or management, direct supervisors and employees themselves. Each partner expects results or Income clear benefits for employees can enhance career growth. All the company is a source device and participating actively in the process and career development. The device can be prepared and career through a planned training vessel institutions.
Career is a software tool assement and planning and can assist in solving problems and career development can be guided through the action plan. If the employees themselves exploring the values of his career, to help employees clearly akan itself and clearly explaining the real purpose, with describes a career plan, goals and specific targets we will be easy to achieve.
Performance Management, Continuos Improvement and help create a career all participation in the workplace, where the purpose of the company.
The process of career, a framework that was built in an effort to help employees, such as:
• clearly describe the skills, values, goals and needs for career development.
• Plan to reach career goals
• The continuous evaluation. Revise and improve the design.
Thus, a relationship between employee communication with management or the company is a major process of career goals. Of course, the process to achieve a good career perla we observe the principles of:
• Employees responsible for own career
• Expertise employees based on the business itself struggle
• Planning a career is made knowingly and voluntarily
• Continuos Improvement for using the personal
• Success is described well by their own self-employee
Essentially the process of career is a process of interaction in the partnership and cooperation between the company's partners, namely: the company or management, direct supervisors and employees themselves. Each partner expects results or Income clear benefits for employees can enhance career growth. All the company is a source device and participating actively in the process and career development. The device can be prepared and career through a planned training vessel institutions.
Career is a software tool assement and planning and can assist in solving problems and career development can be guided through the action plan. If the employees themselves exploring the values of his career, to help employees clearly akan itself and clearly explaining the real purpose, with describes a career plan, goals and specific targets we will be easy to achieve.
Career Development Options
Career development that have their own way or path-path and the options that will provide each employee to develop his career along the way that reflects the goals and abilities. Options direction you want to be a good opportunity for the employees themselves anywhere and anytime.
Options direction or career path development include:
• Enrichment is the development and improvement through pemebrian duty or special assignment, this is the general form of career development.
• the development of the lateral side of the kea rah any work that might better match creativity and provide a wider experience, new challenges and to provide confidence and greater satisfaction.
• Vertical development towards the top in a position that has responsibility and authority responsibility of large special expertise is in the appeal or a new specialty.
• Relocation of the physical move to another unit or organization to the place that can complement the growth opportunities and increase the desire and ability of employees to remain on the same job.
• Exploration of kea rah exploring a wider choice of career again in the organizational unit or units outside the organization to find and gather information so that it can answer questions ean make a decision about the career potential that will be selected.
• Realigement, the kea rah downward movement that may reflect something of the work or the exchange of priority for employees to reduce the risk, responsibility and stress jawan, employee position towards a more precise as well as the opportunity or a new opportunity.
Career development process and developed through the channels such as the above is a blend of strength and interest of companies with employees based on the values of partnership sionalisme. This means the development of career employees kea rah not only structural but also to develop functional expertise kea rah, with such a position have functional roles as "equal partners" structural position.
The process of career development and the company was very helpful grow each individual employee in career problem solving, there is no problem for employees in the self Go career. Something that is very good in the process and career development that can promise a range of options on-line career path.(by Ohm).
sumber : proses dan jalur pengembangan karier, oleh soendoro dalil
Career development that have their own way or path-path and the options that will provide each employee to develop his career along the way that reflects the goals and abilities. Options direction you want to be a good opportunity for the employees themselves anywhere and anytime.
Options direction or career path development include:
• Enrichment is the development and improvement through pemebrian duty or special assignment, this is the general form of career development.
• the development of the lateral side of the kea rah any work that might better match creativity and provide a wider experience, new challenges and to provide confidence and greater satisfaction.
• Vertical development towards the top in a position that has responsibility and authority responsibility of large special expertise is in the appeal or a new specialty.
• Relocation of the physical move to another unit or organization to the place that can complement the growth opportunities and increase the desire and ability of employees to remain on the same job.
• Exploration of kea rah exploring a wider choice of career again in the organizational unit or units outside the organization to find and gather information so that it can answer questions ean make a decision about the career potential that will be selected.
• Realigement, the kea rah downward movement that may reflect something of the work or the exchange of priority for employees to reduce the risk, responsibility and stress jawan, employee position towards a more precise as well as the opportunity or a new opportunity.
Career development process and developed through the channels such as the above is a blend of strength and interest of companies with employees based on the values of partnership sionalisme. This means the development of career employees kea rah not only structural but also to develop functional expertise kea rah, with such a position have functional roles as "equal partners" structural position.
The process of career development and the company was very helpful grow each individual employee in career problem solving, there is no problem for employees in the self Go career. Something that is very good in the process and career development that can promise a range of options on-line career path.(by Ohm).
Jumat, 16 Januari 2009
Goal Performance Evaluation..?????
Performance Evaluation
Performance evaluation is a method and process assessment and implementation of a task or a group of people or units to work in a company or organization in accordance with the performance standard or goal that is set first. Performance evaluation is the most fair in giving rewards or prizes to the workers.
The purpose of performance evaluation is to ensure the achievement of goals and objectives of the company and also to know the position of the company and the level of achievement of the target company, especially to find out if there is a delay or diversion to be improved, so that the target or goal is reached. The evaluation of individual performance can be used for multiple use.
Rating the performance goal
Ganda have to approach the goal achievement assessment work as follows:
1. Goal Evaluation
The results of the assessment of achievement is used as the basis for regular evaluation of the achievements of members of the organization, which includes:
a. Salary research. Compensation decisions that include merit-pay increases, bonuses and other salary increases is one of the main achievements of the assessment work.
b. Promotion opportunities. Preparation of decisions employees (Staffing) associated with the campaign, demosi, transfer and discharge employees is the second of the goal achievement assessment work.
2. Destination Development
Information generated by the system of performance assessment can be used to develop the private members of the organization, which includes:
a. And strut brace Prestasi Work. Feedback on work performance (performance feedback) is the main development needs that for almost all employees want to know the results of assessments conducted.
b. Improving the Performance of Work. Goal achievement assessment also working to provide guidance to employees for performance improvement work in the future.
c. Determining Goals-Goal Progresi Career. Performance assessment work will also provide information to employees that can be used as a basis for discussion of the goals and long-term career plans.
d. Determining Needs-Training Needs. Assessment of individual performance can explain the collection of data to be used as a source of analysis and identification of training needs.
Factors Rating performance
Three dimensions of performance that need to be included in the assessment of work performance, namely:
1. Level of discipline as an employee of the organization needs to keep people in the organization, described in the assessment of the absence, delay, and long working time.
2. Ability level employees as a form of organization needs to obtain the results of the settlement of the task terandalkan, both in the quantity and quality of performance that must be achieved by an employee.
3. Behavior-innovative and spontaneous behavior in the external task requirements to increase the effectiveness of formal organizations, among others, in the form of cooperation, Protective actions, ideas are constructive and creative, self-training, and attitudes that the organization.(*).(by Ohm).
(*).-Posted in HRD on February 27, 2009 by shelmi.
Performance evaluation is a method and process assessment and implementation of a task or a group of people or units to work in a company or organization in accordance with the performance standard or goal that is set first. Performance evaluation is the most fair in giving rewards or prizes to the workers.
The purpose of performance evaluation is to ensure the achievement of goals and objectives of the company and also to know the position of the company and the level of achievement of the target company, especially to find out if there is a delay or diversion to be improved, so that the target or goal is reached. The evaluation of individual performance can be used for multiple use.
• Increased performance • Development of human resources • The provision of compensation • The program increased productivity • Program personnel • Avoid treatment discrimination |
Rating the performance goal
Ganda have to approach the goal achievement assessment work as follows:
1. Goal Evaluation
The results of the assessment of achievement is used as the basis for regular evaluation of the achievements of members of the organization, which includes:
a. Salary research. Compensation decisions that include merit-pay increases, bonuses and other salary increases is one of the main achievements of the assessment work.
b. Promotion opportunities. Preparation of decisions employees (Staffing) associated with the campaign, demosi, transfer and discharge employees is the second of the goal achievement assessment work.
2. Destination Development
Information generated by the system of performance assessment can be used to develop the private members of the organization, which includes:
a. And strut brace Prestasi Work. Feedback on work performance (performance feedback) is the main development needs that for almost all employees want to know the results of assessments conducted.
b. Improving the Performance of Work. Goal achievement assessment also working to provide guidance to employees for performance improvement work in the future.
c. Determining Goals-Goal Progresi Career. Performance assessment work will also provide information to employees that can be used as a basis for discussion of the goals and long-term career plans.
d. Determining Needs-Training Needs. Assessment of individual performance can explain the collection of data to be used as a source of analysis and identification of training needs.
Factors Rating performance
Three dimensions of performance that need to be included in the assessment of work performance, namely:
1. Level of discipline as an employee of the organization needs to keep people in the organization, described in the assessment of the absence, delay, and long working time.
2. Ability level employees as a form of organization needs to obtain the results of the settlement of the task terandalkan, both in the quantity and quality of performance that must be achieved by an employee.
3. Behavior-innovative and spontaneous behavior in the external task requirements to increase the effectiveness of formal organizations, among others, in the form of cooperation, Protective actions, ideas are constructive and creative, self-training, and attitudes that the organization.(*).(by Ohm).
(*).-Posted in HRD on February 27, 2009 by shelmi.
Rabu, 14 Januari 2009
Saved Of Ecology..!!
Note Environment Day, 5 June
Jurisprudence Can Save the urine Ecology
Jurisprudence Can Save the urine Ecology
ADA an advice we often hear, the success of dealing with very large determined by the success of the issues that are considered trivial (light). Someone who used to ignore small problems may not need to be trusted to handle the problem. Section, he will not have the ability to address them. Habits ignore small problems will not make enough to be able complete the issue of trust.
Reality that we often encountered in the life of the community is a sink or let small problems do not tertangani and delayed-delay. Small problems will not be considered a burden or disease that threaten and harm the community. In fact, many studies show that due to the attitude. For example waste left menggunung. Once the waste landslide occurred, a man living in the surrounding buried alive.
Another problem which is considered small by the public is a small void (urinate). We easily find the elements of society who stand in the street or are in the huddle urine. As a result, the environment is not an element of comfort.
When traveling from Makkah to Medina, in the middle of the road bus passengers author tumpangi spell at the same time providing time for lunch. The author intends to prevent a small room of the previous subscription depart Hajj. He said, the first small room does not result in enthusiastic eating.
Given that it is not resistant, the author desperate to small rooms. True, so go to the washroom, I find the smell pesing and menumpuknya human faeces. In the case that mencuat claim is not whether we can implement management urine.
It seems that the conditions found in the country of destination so that the spiritual is not hard to find in the Indonesian society. Rooms are very small dirty comments thus easily found in places which the means of upholding the teachings of the delivery of hygiene, including the public institutions that have a religious-allocation of funds to deal with environmental problems.
Management are in fact berinti regulation or management of basic and sacred issue in religion-related sewage disposal or disease (urine). Regulation of the basic issues, although often seen as aspects of the small, sejatinya reminded people about the meaning of responsibility in relation to the ecology or the environment.
In front of friends, the prophets speak, "Avoid three kinds of acts damnable: dispose of water in the mawarid (which were people, such as water or river, Red), roads, and places people take shelter." In another Hadith also mentioned restrictions urinating in places perforated. For suspected places it into the animal health, such as ant.
Words in the Hadith by Abu David diriwayatkan shows, religion has been in the regulations are the rules or play Jurisprudence sakralitas ecological ethics berelasi with human behavior, both in relationship with God, fellow humans, and other living creatures. Living creatures that dipergauli charged with the good or righteous by men, both individual and collective-korporatif, among them, the earth and the works of God on it.
Must build up the atmosphere or the crowd is good, among them, can be realized with the behavior that indicates bermodus achieve environmental hygiene, to maintain the sustainability of nature, or to prevent themselves from the act had destruktif and dehumanistik of ecological resources. Akan Prevensi the impact on the prevention or reduction of global warming (global warming).
In religion, the problem of removing urine only have outlined the mechanism or regulation. Mechanism to begin to pray that the object or area can be used as a place to dispose of urine. Not all places can be the object pembungan human urine. The urine that is not only terbuang akan leave the smell of damage to the environment, but also virus-virus.
Terms of the waste management of urine is often we ignore or less aktualisasikan. In fact, any restrictions that have been outlined his surely contain valuable lessons for the sustainability of human life. From urine, the religion we intend mengedukasi moral. What are the human-risk consist dangerous if people do not or fail to translate the smart and enforce these rules.
Dispose of urine seems to be really small issue. However, if the urine is constantly removed with the ways and customs of one, does not smell tasty akan pervade the atmosphere in the social community, there is a right subject to the convenience and health. If the habit is carried out in the tourist attractions, the people who failed to enjoy the beauty of nature. Instead, they "enjoy" the smell and sting pollution that threatens health.
With waste water restrictions outlined in the urine, the actual management of the protection of public kemaslahatan from global warming if the urine diidentikkan corrodent ozone (BPO). Rights of the social ecology in general (public) that utilize keasrian, coolness, comfort and wealth will be lost because of natural or stained didestruksi urine. In ranah, the urine has become the waste we create the public or the birth of sin. For, from the urine, the psychological interest of public health terusik.
Norms which regulate urine is actually a valuable lesson. Of urine only, we ask that religion has to be careful, or follow the correct mechanism. Moreover, the problem is related to the B3 classmates hazardous waste (hazardous and toxic), which notabene BPO, of any religious message the more stringent set. In fact, religion is the sky with the hard problems the danger of human behavior arogan and kriminalis in damage and pollute the environment.(*), (by Ohm).
Reality that we often encountered in the life of the community is a sink or let small problems do not tertangani and delayed-delay. Small problems will not be considered a burden or disease that threaten and harm the community. In fact, many studies show that due to the attitude. For example waste left menggunung. Once the waste landslide occurred, a man living in the surrounding buried alive.
Another problem which is considered small by the public is a small void (urinate). We easily find the elements of society who stand in the street or are in the huddle urine. As a result, the environment is not an element of comfort.
When traveling from Makkah to Medina, in the middle of the road bus passengers author tumpangi spell at the same time providing time for lunch. The author intends to prevent a small room of the previous subscription depart Hajj. He said, the first small room does not result in enthusiastic eating.
Given that it is not resistant, the author desperate to small rooms. True, so go to the washroom, I find the smell pesing and menumpuknya human faeces. In the case that mencuat claim is not whether we can implement management urine.
It seems that the conditions found in the country of destination so that the spiritual is not hard to find in the Indonesian society. Rooms are very small dirty comments thus easily found in places which the means of upholding the teachings of the delivery of hygiene, including the public institutions that have a religious-allocation of funds to deal with environmental problems.
Management are in fact berinti regulation or management of basic and sacred issue in religion-related sewage disposal or disease (urine). Regulation of the basic issues, although often seen as aspects of the small, sejatinya reminded people about the meaning of responsibility in relation to the ecology or the environment.
In front of friends, the prophets speak, "Avoid three kinds of acts damnable: dispose of water in the mawarid (which were people, such as water or river, Red), roads, and places people take shelter." In another Hadith also mentioned restrictions urinating in places perforated. For suspected places it into the animal health, such as ant.
Words in the Hadith by Abu David diriwayatkan shows, religion has been in the regulations are the rules or play Jurisprudence sakralitas ecological ethics berelasi with human behavior, both in relationship with God, fellow humans, and other living creatures. Living creatures that dipergauli charged with the good or righteous by men, both individual and collective-korporatif, among them, the earth and the works of God on it.
Must build up the atmosphere or the crowd is good, among them, can be realized with the behavior that indicates bermodus achieve environmental hygiene, to maintain the sustainability of nature, or to prevent themselves from the act had destruktif and dehumanistik of ecological resources. Akan Prevensi the impact on the prevention or reduction of global warming (global warming).
In religion, the problem of removing urine only have outlined the mechanism or regulation. Mechanism to begin to pray that the object or area can be used as a place to dispose of urine. Not all places can be the object pembungan human urine. The urine that is not only terbuang akan leave the smell of damage to the environment, but also virus-virus.
Terms of the waste management of urine is often we ignore or less aktualisasikan. In fact, any restrictions that have been outlined his surely contain valuable lessons for the sustainability of human life. From urine, the religion we intend mengedukasi moral. What are the human-risk consist dangerous if people do not or fail to translate the smart and enforce these rules.
Dispose of urine seems to be really small issue. However, if the urine is constantly removed with the ways and customs of one, does not smell tasty akan pervade the atmosphere in the social community, there is a right subject to the convenience and health. If the habit is carried out in the tourist attractions, the people who failed to enjoy the beauty of nature. Instead, they "enjoy" the smell and sting pollution that threatens health.
With waste water restrictions outlined in the urine, the actual management of the protection of public kemaslahatan from global warming if the urine diidentikkan corrodent ozone (BPO). Rights of the social ecology in general (public) that utilize keasrian, coolness, comfort and wealth will be lost because of natural or stained didestruksi urine. In ranah, the urine has become the waste we create the public or the birth of sin. For, from the urine, the psychological interest of public health terusik.
Norms which regulate urine is actually a valuable lesson. Of urine only, we ask that religion has to be careful, or follow the correct mechanism. Moreover, the problem is related to the B3 classmates hazardous waste (hazardous and toxic), which notabene BPO, of any religious message the more stringent set. In fact, religion is the sky with the hard problems the danger of human behavior arogan and kriminalis in damage and pollute the environment.(*), (by Ohm).
(*) -Oleh Abdul Wahid.Dekan Fakultas Hukum Unisma Malang, visitor pada International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM). Posted in HRD on May 14, 2009 by shelmi
Selasa, 13 Januari 2009
The Integrated Waste Management.
Approach Integrated Management of Environmental Pollution
Law enforcement, particularly relating to the protection of the environment is a very determining factor in the management of heavy metal pollution. Although many policies have been created in order to obtain environmental quality, if law enforcement does not run properly target achieved akan sia-sia During this two known versions of the definition, the first is the "change does not become dirty or pure both morally and seremonial" , while the second definition, is "physically not create so pure, rotten and dirty" (Haslam, 1990).
However, based on survey results from some of the definition of pollution, Hellawell (1986) concluded that the pollution is as "something (substances or objects) that
are in the wrong place, at the wrong time, and the amount of the wrong. " Environmental pollution has a close relationship with human activities, because during the last two centuries this has been a momentum increase of environmental degradation in the overall surface of the earth as a result of human activities. This condition worsened again by the number of human population from time to time always increases rapidly, while the results of the processing technology of waste does not occur so that certain positive correlation between the speed increase with human population increase in the quantity of waste earth.
Divided based on the environmental pollution; 1) intesitasnya, ignore the size of the effects of pollution, 2) persistensi, especially when refinement is done only at the downstream course, and 3) sustainable or not sporadik and chronic.
Resources Pencemar
Separation of the more simple type of pollution on the environment can be done based on the source pencemar itself, namely: natural, domestic, and industry. When we refer to the definition of the pollution as "a (substances or objects) that are on the place, time and the wrong number", the term natural pollution that does not actually exist. However, we often find a habitat that is not comfortable or is not appropriate for the survival of many organisms is not caused by human ulah. In this case, in which nature does not always work to support a life, such as
for example the existence of radon gas in almiah coming from the uranium fraction in the layer of earth has come through the soil into the water source. The reduced oxygen in the water because melimpahnya natural leaf fall can also cause terganggunya life of water organisms.
The definition of domestic waste is waste as a result of the filth comes from households that are directly disposed to the environment. Along with advances in technology have increased the types of domestic waste to be more difficult to be destructed. One example is the use of wrapping materials made of plastic that was difficult to unravel the position of natural materials (leaves and stem bark trees) that are far easier to unravel naturally.
Process chemistry, physics, and biology have play an important role in the decomposition mechanism as long as domestic waste quantity and intensity of waste disposal is still in the normal limit. Unfortunately the increased human population has caused the increased quantity and intensity of domestic waste disposal, so make the process of natural decomposition of waste is not to be balanced. When this happens continuously, Soemarwoto (1991) estimate akan occurred: kadar increasing BOD, COD, N and K in the rivers, many wells and other water sources in the piece that showed the bacteria was the occurrence of contamination by feces and in the end can spur the growth of water weeds.
Waste generated from industrial pollution in general are inorganic waste that has a wide diversity with a small kemiripin. Industrial waste can be gas, liquid and solid as a result of side activities: the factory, petanian, livestock, forestry and others. Industrial waste is often mixed with that of domestic waste to be removed in a water system would further improve the impact damage on the total water resources are. Increased use of medicines agriculture (pesticides and fertilizers) have significantly contributed to the pollution of the environment.
Some types of waste as a result of human activities that contaminate the region downstream from the River Flow (DAS) in the Tulang Bawang Lampung Province has been identified by Rivai et al. (1991a) in the form of accumulation of inorganic waste materials. More Rivai (2000f) also reported that the pollution of coastal areas most heavily in the Province
Lampung there in the East coast, where the type of waste consisting of: liquid organic waste products, plastic and cans, fertilizers, pesticides, natural and domestic waste. Environmental toxicology Environmental toxicology is basically the science of studying the behavior of chemical substances and estimates the impact caused both of living organisms and their environment. Included in decipher and predict environmental changes that will occur over the entrance pencemar compound as a result of human activities in the environment (Levin et al. 1989). With all forms of pressure on issues of environmental toxicology and environmental sciences are expected to perform a variety of approaches to environmental problems are more detailed and precise. Based on the concept and methodology of environmental toxicology, observed a case of poisoned not only done just right, but it should be possible to start from scratch since, for example, from infancy, growth, adulthood and old age.
In addition will be more perfect when the results of toxicology research environment involves factors related to the social: periaku, education, economic and even political might. The scope of scientific research include toxicology toksisitas chemical compound used for the field: medicine, food industry, agriculture / animal husbandry, industry, chemicals, mining and others.
In principle, science is the embodiment of toxicology alleged occurrence of a change caused by the entrance to the toxic compound in the environment. Along with the natural ecosystem in itself has been a constant change in which it can be a challenge to distinguish the impact antropogenik with the impact of natural fluctuations. According to Kelly and Harwell (1989), in the science of toxicology research environment there are important steps that can not be ignored for, among others;
1. The process of movement pencemar compound in the environment, for example: how to behave, the quantity, concentration and distribution of the compound in the ecosystem.
2. Frequency and duration of compound pencemar located in a ecosystem.
3. Specifications kimianya nature.
4. Ability to survive in the new ecosystem conditions place.
5. Have responses back to the biological effects of environmental processes that can cause a change.
6. Interaction with the chemical compound antropogenik or other pressure on the ecosystem.
7. The division of chemical compound into components ekositem.
8. Movement or movement of chemical compound in the form of the original return
9. Loss of chemical compound from the ecosystem through the division of the pace back.
The main purpose of the environmental management efforts in its core is to obtain the certainty of the environment "healthy" for human life. Environmental toxicology can be used to monitor the contamination of a toxic compound in the environment with the use of human bio-indicators. Rivai (1995, 1999c, and 2001â) reported that hair and nails are the best bioindikator compared with the other organs for use in monitoring heavy metal contamination of humans.
Some of the benefits obtained are: 1) It is not necessary because the actions and operations to get otopsi; 2) Can be stored for a long time before the analyze without damage or change in structure. 3) Easy to take, send, and not be moved because penyimpannya
need a place such as a special refrigerator. and 3) Relatively lightweight and flexible, so easy to adjust with the use of equipment in the laboratory analysis. Heavy Metal Pollution, heavy Metal is the chemical compound that is potentially cause environmental pollution problems, especially those closely related to the impact of human health. According Vouk (1986) there are as many as 80 of some 109 types of chemical elements that have been identified in the land included in this type of heavy metal, the chemical nature of such heavy metals can be said to represent most of the inorganic chemicals. Heavy metals are usually defined based on physical attributes in the solid state using technology that has been developed. Physical attributes, among other features: 1) Power pantul light on high, 2) Power hantar electricity rates, 3) Power hantar summer, and 4) the strength and resilience. Heavy metals in the solid state can also be based on: kristalnya structure, fastening kimianya nature, and nature magnitnya. Heavy metals solubility in water and fat is a process that toxicology is very important, because this process is one of the main factors that affect the biological processes of absorption and heavy metal itself.
Analysis method for determining the concentration of heavy metals up to now the most popular use is Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom (SSA). The principle of this SSA is essentially a process pengatoman from the primary level to higher level, where in each process pengatoman this heavy metal has a radiation with a specific wavelength. Kneip and Friberg (1986) argues that in determining the actual weight of metal, there are three main issues must be considered, namely, accuracy, accuracy and detection limit. Type of solvent used in chemical analysis of the metal can affect the results of analysis. Rivai (2000a), reported that the sample extraction using a solvent HNO3 concentration of heavy metals produced almost 10 times higher than the HCl solvent.
Based on the point of view of toxicology, heavy metals divided into two types, namely: the first essential heavy metal which keberadaanya in a certain amount is needed by every living organism, such as, among others, zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), cobalt (Co), mangaan (Mn) and others. The two heavy metals is not essential or toxic, in which the existence of living organisms in the body until the time is still not known exactly even benefit can be toxic, such as for example, mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), reciprocal (Pb), chromium (Cr) and others.
Heavy metals are essential tebentuk as an integral part of the at least one type of enzyme. Walupun essential heavy metals are required by every living organism, but in excessive amounts can cause toxic effects. Feed Research on copper (Cu) as the essential heavy metal that has been done in the Village of Sands Parahu, Cianjur, West Java shows that the recommended limit has been reached, but does not exceed the maximum allowed (Rivai et al. 1988). During this time in the management of the environment we are antroposentris view, the view the problem only from the point of human interest only. Humans interact with the environment as it affects his life and the environment influenced by his life. Therefore, environmental management must be holistic, that is looked as a whole unit (Soemarwoto, 1983). Human role in environmental problems more Diperjelas again by Nissihira et al. (1997) who argued that the problem is environmental damage to the environment that each occurred as a result of human activities results, Lately, which is always the main topic for discussion is a hot issue on the global environment changes such as: ozone layer depletion, cumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere, acid rain, global climate change, environmental pollution and the process of deforestation, and others. Heavy metal pollution succession to give a real contribution to global environmental change issues, especially in the case of the entrance to the toxic compound in the environment as a result of industrial activity, agriculture, perternakan, forestry and others. During the consideration that this problem is happening in global environmental issues are the sole mechanism can only be clearly revealed through the natural science course, the human approach to the issue of exclusive tehadap only change the global environment through science. Various aspects ManusiaMenurut Dimensions Suzuki (1999) we have not time to get out an effective way to solve the problem change the global environment, because in many cases that is the main man of the occurrence of environmental problems in the hemisphere is different. In the management of people should have been covered in several dimensions, such as: education, environmental education, knowledge, perception, and awareness of human behavior itself against environmental problems (Nishihira et al. 1997).
Having the dimensions of human diversity is an important step that has brought us to the conditions and forms of global environmental changes on a different dimensinya. To get a good way out in solving environmental problems, it is time well in the country that have been developed and developing countries began to develop a variety of research on the human dimensions of global environmental change (Torigoe, 1997).
Role of Science Social Environment for this has been continuously used to meet human needs of all life, including in it to expand and improve the habitat quality of human life. Basically, in the face environmental problems, that need to be managed is not
only the environmental aspects of the sole, but it manusialah aspect that should be more dititikberatkan in management. Therefore, the time is for us to always involve the social sciences in environmental management efforts. The scope of the social sciences are included here in sciences: law, politics, economics, anthropology, education and others.
However good and sempurnanya a concept of environment that is designed by experts, but if management does not involve itself as a human user, and implementing it can be ascertained the result will be futile. Since some forty years ago the relationship between environment and socio-political conflict has become a particular issue of interest to learn more. Many research results show that the impact of the conflict has created a decline in the quality of the environment worse. Some cases fall in the bombing of the war is the latest evidence that show how water and land on the target location can be tercemar.
A very striking case occurred at the Gulf War environment where the devastation has been used as a reason for the welfare of mankind (Ornas and Strom, 1999). Similarly, vice versa, a scarcity of resources may cause the occurrence of war, where the environmental damage that occurs will be more difficult to regenerate. This dilemma can be due to the reduced supply of both natural resources and environmental damage due to the increased demand of natural resources in line with the increasing human population. However until now we are still not able to mark when a secure environment it is said from a scarcity of resources to the explanation can be discovered when a new conflict that is in the form of attack. The Integrated Pollution heavy metals is one of the factors of the occurrence of the issue of global environmental changes, especially in the case of environmental pollution by toxic heavy metal compound. Through science various efforts to minimize the impact can be made starting from the steps to identify, thin, until the change in the presence of the compound in both the natural and the body of living organisms through chemical analysis, physics and biology. However, approach the problem through the heavy metal pollution study
knowledge of nature that can not only solve the problem without a thorough environmental and social sciences involved.
Some developed countries such as USA, UK, Japan, Canada and others can be an example in the case of a heavy metal pollution, but at the same time these countries can also be used as an example in the case of an integrated approach to the problem. In the case of environment continuously improve their skills in the field of science and technology such as: sampling techniques and analysis of compound toxicity, land reclamation, and processing of waste liquid / solid. In line with the action, in the same time they also increase the field of social sciences in the framework of perception, knowledge, awareness and human behavior in terms of the right masalahmasalah the heavy metal pollution. Some examples of concrete in the field on the behavior of people in developed countries in the heavy metal pollution, among others: 1) Do not throw directly to the environment in the solid waste that contain metal. 2) Waste chemical compound derived from hospital and laboratory research is not to be thrown directly in the channel water, but are collected and sent to a place that has been set. 3) Avoid the use of baby equipment and toys made of metal. 4) Not using waste items as wrapping food mold. 5) Avoid the use of cosmetics containing toxic metals, such as metallic mercury which is usually used as basic material skin whitener. The above example is a simple example of the form that has been very common by the people realize the level of the bottom layer to top. Have knowledge of the goods can not be obtained simply by the people but through the process of education, law enforcement, and delivery information on a continual basis.
Role of Environmental Education
Environmental education has a role of a strategic and important in preparing people to solve environmental problems, as was decided at the International Conference on the Earth Brazil and in the Agenda 21 in Chapter 36. Only through education can develop the environment in mind in terms of support measures for local and global scale. Concern is not the end goal of environmental education but also must be followed by concrete steps. Apart from that, education alone is the path to positive change in the modern period. Humans need to continue their education, particularly in the areas of environment because the development of a rapid change and the understanding of the environment. Some results of research tools (Kawashima, 1999, Suzuki et al. 1999, Soerjani 1998 and Sudarmadi et al. 2001), reported that the higher the education level of a society the higher the perception and awareness of community, giving rise to attitudes and behavior in a better face environmental problems. Therefore, environmental education should be intensified and komperhensif through all levels of education both formal and non-formal.
Role of Mass Media
Increased knowledge about human life if the environment without the efforts of information dissemination of knowledge itself to be sure will be a barrier to the creation of a quality environment. Especially in the case of heavy metal pollution at any time which can only occur a change or shift. Meanwhile at the same time information technology is expected to pave the way for the dissemination of information for a better society and a more responsive government. Mass media are included here: print media, radio, television and internet. Print media, especially newspapers have important role in the dissemination of information environment issues. This has been proven in several studies, one of them Fang (1997), reported that 64% of the population of the city of Beijing and Shanghai in China to get information about the environmental problems that come from the newspaper. Similarly Rivai (2001b), showed that newspaper for the city of Bandarlampung media is the most effective source of information as a problem of pollution with heavy metals compared to radio and television. This may be because the newspaper is a media that is relatively inexpensive and easily obtained, so tend to have high effectiveness in the dissemination of information is higher when compared with other media such as radio, television and internet.
Law enforcement environment
Law enforcement, particularly relating to the protection of the environment is a very determining factor in the management of heavy metal pollution. Although many policies have been diciptakankan in order to get a quality environment, but if law enforcement does not run properly then the target will be achieved will be futile. According to Hiraoka (1997), there are several things that influence the success of the implementation of an integrated approach to the management of heavy metal pollution: 1) Improvement of professional expertise in the field on a continual basis in line with the environmental changes that occur globally. 2) Development of the policy environment that is easily understood by humans that can be implemented effectively. 3) the functioning peneggakan law in implementing the policy set. 4) Availability of delivery techniques appropriate information.
Awareness of the importance and role of the intellectual leaders in order to support the protection of the environment that will bring the beauty of nature around us. (By Ohm)*
(*)-fathur rohim
Sabtu, 10 Januari 2009
The diversity kiss
Lecturer in Physics:
Osculation interesting is the tensile strength
between the two where the distance between the mouth
one point with another point is (0)
Lecturer in Chemistry:
Osculation reaction is due to the interaction
from the compound which is issued by the two
Lecturer in Microbiology:
Smell is the exchange of bacteria
uniseksual in saliva.
Lecturer in Biology:
Osculation is menyatunya two muscle
orbicularisoris in contraction.
Lecturer in Economics:
Smell is something in which
demand greater drpd
Lecturer in Statistics:
Osculation are events that
peluangnya can very depending on the
statistics following numbers :36-24-36.
Lecturer in Engineering:
Smell? What is ..?
Lecturer in electrical engineering:
Osculation is met between ion
positive and negative result
weak cash flow to be strong ...
Lecturer in Medical:
Osculation is the process pendiaknosaaan
directly the physical berakibatkan
blood flow to reproductive organs
Lecturer in psychology:
Smell is the process of inspiration
patterns of thought to someone
akan pleasure to know ....
Osculation computer program according to the lecturer:
If kiss> = Hot then go to bed room else
go to end bathroom.
According to Lecturer osculation Arts:
Smell is something beautiful when
enjoy together
Smack the teachers' sports:
smooch if the comments are very hot,
same with the big calories
terbuang to run
hie (brisk walking)
Osculation the lecturers political (conflict transformation knowledge):
is the ability to smell
friction-friction to transform the conflict
from two different groups so that it can
yield a positive (win
win solution, "all happy, all
comfortable all through ..)
Osculation the lecturer in mathematics (theoretical possibility):
Osculation that gambling, now nyium
Wait a reward stay, digampar
ato dibalas smell ...
Osculation according Lecturer sports (again):
Osculation is a peregangan &
heating for the "sport" a more serious ....
According to the lecturers manliness:
Osculation rights are owned by
a pair of related
has been recognized by the state based on
law and applicable law.
According to the faculty of language:
Smell is coming from a word
basic "smell" to get the ending
According to the lecturers seksiologi:
Osculation stimulus is a technique
and heating (foreplay) where
stages of this touches the points
stimulus in the body ...
According to her son as a lecturer:
Osculation ciunyil are friends,
ciucrit, ciusrok.
According to Lecturer in Marine Stiper Candidates:
Smell is something that must
Done for species that have been to-KUA
& Do in the brackish water ecosystem.
Ambok Champok. IngghE Bhuuuuuuuk. (By Ohm)*
(*)-fathur rohim
Kamis, 08 Januari 2009
Role of Education
Role of Environmental Education
Environmental education has a role of a strategic and important in preparing people to solve environmental problems, as was decided at the International Conference on the Earth Brazil and in the Agenda 21 in Chapter 36. Only through education can develop the environment in mind in terms of support measures for local and global scale. Concern is not the end goal of environmental education but also must be followed by concrete steps. Apart from that, education alone is the path to positive change in the modern period. Humans need to continue their education, particularly in the areas of environment because the development of a rapid change and the understanding of the environment. Some results of research tools (Kawashima, 1999, Suzuki et al. 1999, Soerjani 1998 and Sudarmadi et al. 2001), reported that the higher the education level of a society the higher the perception and awareness of community, giving rise to attitudes and behavior in a better face environmental problems. Therefore, environmental education should be intensified and komperhensif through all levels of education both formal and non-formal.
Education will lead and guide our thoughts to all of the positive impact arising from the awareness of the importance of the role of education to the environment around us. (By Ohm)*
(*)Fathur rohim
Rabu, 07 Januari 2009
Air Animal physiology
physiology can be defined as the science of studying the function, mechanism, and how to work from the organ, the network, and cellular organisms. Trying to explain the physiology of the physical and chemical bertanggunng responsible akan development and progression of life. In physiology Animal physiology learned that water is one of how animals adapt to the water environment.
Osmoregulasi is the effort to control the balance of water and ion-ion between the body and the environment or the process of setting a pressure osmose. This is important because it is done:
1.Harus occur between the balance of body and substance of the environment.
2.Membran cells that permeabel is the place lewatnya some substance that moves quickly.
Osmose pressure 3.Perbedaan between body fluids and the environment
No organisms that live in fresh water does not make a difference osmoregulasi due osmose pressure as well as with the fish.
In the amount of fish there are so many in the nekton. They are often divided into several groups that have lived in fresh water are also living in salt water (sea water) in the sea where fish life can be divided up litoral (influenced by the tide), sub litoral (land), bathy, and abyssal (ocean which is in) (Fujaya, 1999).
Ikan Air Tawar Osmoregulasi
Fujaya (1999) explains that Teleostei freshwater hiperosmotik be against the environment, causing water to move into the body and the environment in a way diffusion. To maintain the balance of body fluids and fresh water fish berosmoregulasi way to drink a little or not drink at all. To reduce the excess water in the body of the fish produce a large amount of urin. Then by using the energy metabolik kidney mengabsorbsi back some salt from the salt-urinnya. Gill also take active salt-salt environment from the use of energy metabolik. Absorbsi this can occur due to voltage differences between the aletrik in and outside increasing the positive ion transport through the gill.
Osmoregulasi Fish sea water
Fujaya (1999) revealed that the pressure of osmose water is higher than in the body fluids of fish then the water will flow in the body of the fish to the environment via diffusion through kidneys and skin may also, on the salt-salt akan into the body through the process of diffusion , karenannya fish do osmoregulasi to maintain a balance between the concentration of the salt body and the environment have to do with drinking water.
Teleostei sea maintain ion-ion concentration in plasma total about a third of the ion concentration of sea water. Have drinking water with the loss of sea water in the fish body can be replaced, but with the same amount of salt-garamjuga akan including to participate in the intestine. In normal conditions the fish drink sea water 10 ml/100 gr / hr.(*)by Ohm
(*)- fathur rohim
Selasa, 06 Januari 2009
Parameter Sea World.
1. Temperature
Indonesian sea surface temperature generally ranges between 26 - 19 º C. Because the waters of Indonesia affected by the monsoon, the SPL of them also follow the changes in seasons. On the west season (December - January - February), SPL in Western Regions of Indonesia (KBI), in general, relatively lower than in the east (June - July - August). SPL near the South China Sea in the west ranged between 26 - 28 º C, while in Eastern Indonesia (KTI) kisarannya between 28 - 29 º C. In the east of the season going, the SPL in the KTI ranged from 26 to 28 º C, while in the KBI ranges between 28 - 29 º C. (Dahuri, 1996)
2. Stream
Flow merupaakn movement of a mass flow of water that can be caused by a wind gust, or because of density differences in sea water can be also caused by long-wave movement. The latter include, among others, the flow disebabakan pairs sirut. Flow caused by the ebb and flow can be more generally observed in coastal waters, especially in the strait - a narrow passage with the tidal range is high. In the open sea, the direction and strength of surface currents in lapisi very much determined by the wind. (Nontji, 2005)
3. Waves
Waves were found in the sea surface, in general form because of the transfer of energy from wind to the sea surface, or at the time - time is caused by a specific earthquake in the seabed. Waves spread kesegala this direction to bring the energy and the lepaskannya to the beach in the form of hempasan waves. Rambatan waves can travel thousands of kilo meters distance before reaching a beach. Waves approaching the coast will experience refraction (refraction), and akan memusat (Convergence) when approaching the peninsula, or spread (divergence) if a basin. In addition, the waves of the shallow water will be spilling, plunging, collapsing or surging. All the phenomena experienced in the waves caused by the fact the primary marine topography (sea bottom topography). (Dahuri, 1996)
4. Salinity
Salinity in general can be referred to as the amount of salt from the womb of a water, expressed in permil. Sea water salinity range is between 0 - 40 ‰, which means that the salt contents ranged from 0 - 40 g / kg of sea water. In general, salinity surface waters of Indonesia the average - the average is between 32 - 340 ‰. (Dahuri, 1996)
5. Temperature
The temperature in the sea is one of the factors that are very important for the life of organisms in the ocean, because temperature affects the metabolism and activities of the Maintenance-organisms are organisms.
Both sea and land both be heated by the sun through a process that in insolation. However, the influence of heating is not the same for regions that are located on a different latitude.
Mainland does not have the same capacity as the ability of water in the heat store, the land more quickly receive the heat of the sea but also the land more quickly into the cold of the sea at the time does not occur insolation. As a result, temperature differences occur didaratan very large compared with the sea Sahala Hutabarat and Stewart M. Evan (1985).
6. Salinity
Sonny Komaruddin (2004), salinity is not only refer to the womb natrium clorida (NaCl2), but all reflect the ion-ion concentration is in water, such as natrium, magnesium, calcium, potassium, bicarbonate etc.. Per each ino is varied in the different waters, so that salinity can didefenisikan average concentration of all the salt there is in the water alut. Generally described in the salinity of the ion terlarut grams per kilogram of water, or the equivalent part denagn per thaosand (ppt). In the sea water, salinity denagn Relationships between the actual ion klorida as:
Salinity (ppt) = 1.80655 x Cl-(ppt)
Salinity is more stable in the open sea, although in some places sometimes change. Changes caused by the large number of water lost as a result of the large amount of evaporation and rainfall. Changes in salinity can mempenagruhi oxygen consumption. Fontaine and Raffy (1935), melaporak that oxygen consumption increased when salinity down.
7. Degree of acidity (pH)
Sonny Komaruddin (2004), Degrees kasaman or pH didefenisikan as negative ion activity of hydrogen ion (H +). PH value reflects the intention kebasaan acid or water, denagn scale ranges from 0-14. In the fresh water, pH value equivalent to the hydrogen ion concentration in the water, so that in the neutral condition, the concentration of hydrogen ion (H +) will be in units of 10-7 mol / ltr. Niali fresh water pH ranged between 5-9, bahakn in places particular value is outside these ranges. In the water alut, sitem "buffer capacity" form bicarbonat - borat - carbonic held usually much larger, so more stable in the pH range 8 - 8.5. "Buffer Capacity" is usually reflected by the alkalinitas; alkalinitas the higher, the higher the "Buffer Capacity" is, more stable pH.by Ohm*)
(*)Fathur Rohim,
Minggu, 04 Januari 2009
Profile Kec. Estuary Wahau, Kab. Kutai, East
Kecamatan Muara Wahau Region is part of the East Kutai regency area of 5724.32 km2.
The entire district area. Wahau the mouth wide in the mainland and there are not directly adjacent to the sea. This means that district. Estuary Wahau does not have a beach. Some of the region be split by the river and creek, while almost all transportation by road which is the main means for the community.
In most regions the air feels hot because the wind is influenced by the sea that comes from the Makassar Strait, plus more with the clearing of land for oil palm plantation. While in the mountains feels more cool air.
Rainfall that occurred in November about 469 mm, and the smallest rainfall occurs in February is about 42 mm.
Low and high plains around the river there is a large and slightly wavy shape with kehulu, are already dipedalaman mountainous.
Type of land consists of land Aluvial deposition of sand and clay that are didataran and around the river, Broown Forest Ciil of limestone rock, Potsolit Red sendimen of rock mixed with sand, Potsolit Red Yellow sandstone of the area.
Most types of forest vegetation is forest production ditumbuhi by some kind of timber tree production (heterogeneous) as Kapur, Meranti, Bengkirai, Kruing, Ulin and others. And there are also similar, such as mangrove forests that are didaerah coastal beaches.
In addition, there are forest plants, plants that are grown or planted by people such as Rice / palawija, Horticulture (vegetables and fruits), Plantation (Coconut, Cocoa, etc.) and some types of forestry plants.
Nature around is there in the district. Wahau mouth is still very suitable habitat, which can affect the sustainability biaknya-growing animals.
Various types of animals are:
1. Different types of primates such as Orang Utan, Kaliawat, Bekantan and others.
2. Various types of game such as: Deer, Pigs, Kancil, Menjangan, and others.
3. Various species of fish such as shrimp, cork, Lele, etc..
1. Kecamatan Muara Wahau located at Latitude:
2. Boundaries North: Kabupaten Berau
East: Kecmatan Kongbeng
South side: District Telen
Western: Kab. Kutai Kartanegara and Kab. Bulungan
3. The area of 5724.32 km2
Table: 1.2 The rainfall station UPTD ON food crops MUARA WAHAU
No. Number of months Curah Rainy Day
1. 102 Jan 12
2. February 42 6
3. 134 10 March
4. 248 April 17
5. 262 May 11
6. June 320 9
7. 195 July 10
8. August 159 6
9. September 164 7
10. 12 October 254
11. 469 November 15
12. 373 Dec 18
Number of 2722 133
Source: UPTD Pertanian Kec. Estuary WahauBRIEF REVIEWS
Kecamatan Muara Wahau Region is part of the East Kutai regency area of 5724.32 km2.
The entire district area. Wahau the mouth wide in the mainland and there are not directly adjacent to the sea. This means that district. Estuary Wahau does not have a beach. Some of the region be split by the river and creek, while almost all transportation by road which is the main means for the community.
In most regions the air feels hot because the wind is influenced by the sea that comes from the Makassar Strait, plus more with the clearing of land for oil palm plantation. While in the mountains feels more cool air.
Rainfall that occurred in November about 469 mm, and the smallest rainfall occurs in February is about 42 mm.
Low and high plains around the river there is a large and slightly wavy shape with kehulu, are already dipedalaman mountainous.
Type of land consists of land Aluvial deposition of sand and clay that are didataran and around the river, Broown Forest Ciil of limestone rock, Potsolit Red sendimen of rock mixed with sand, Potsolit Red Yellow sandstone of the area.
Most types of forest vegetation is forest production ditumbuhi by some kind of timber tree production (heterogeneous) as Kapur, Meranti, Bengkirai, Kruing, Ulin and others. And there are also similar, such as mangrove forests that are didaerah coastal beaches.
In addition, there are forest plants, plants that are grown or planted by people such as Rice / palawija, Horticulture (vegetables and fruits), Plantation (Coconut, Cocoa, etc.) and some types of forestry plants.
Nature around is there in the district. Wahau mouth is still very suitable habitat, which can affect the sustainability biaknya-growing animals.
Various types of animals are:
1. Different types of primates such as Orang Utan, Kaliawat, Bekantan and others.
2. Various types of game such as: Deer, Pigs, Kancil, Menjangan, and others.
3. Various species of fish such as shrimp, cork, Lele, etc..
1. Kecamatan Muara Wahau located at Latitude:
2. Boundaries North: Kabupaten Berau
East: Kecmatan Kongbeng
South side: District Telen
Western: Kab. Kutai Kartanegara and Kab. Bulungan
3. The area of 5724.32 km2
Table: 1.2 The rainfall station UPTD ON food crops MUARA WAHAU
No. Number of months Curah Rainy Day
1. 102 Jan 12
2. February 42 6
3. 134 10 March
4. 248 April 17
5. 262 May 11
6. June 320 9
7. 195 July 10
8. August 159 6
9. September 164 7
10. 12 October 254
11. 469 November 15
12. 373 Dec 18
Number of 2722 133
Source: UPTD Pertanian Kec. Estuary Wahau
Sabtu, 03 Januari 2009
Ekowisata Bay Beach Lombok-East Kutai
Pantai Teluk Lombok is one of the beaches in the District of Kutai, East sought by so many tourists who come to the city Sangatta-East Kutai regency. Pantai Teluk Lombok usually visited by tourists and investors and contractors who want to benefit from the natural resources of coal mines in the Kutai Timur.puncak-crowd the beach on the Bay of Lombok seen at the National Day holiday and school holidays, because the parents along with their children on holiday to enjoy the beauty of the coast Bay of Lombok that do not want to miss that can only be enjoyed in the school holidays. Pantai Teluk Lombok, is a region that is included in one category because there estuaria meeting occurred two types of water, the sea water and fresh water. Biota in this area is the ability of biota that have adapted to the fluctuation of some parameters of water quality (particularly salinity) called euryhaline. In addition, the level of sedimentation rate is also a factor for some restraint vegetation life, so he is able to adapt to conditions like that can live and breed in the region estuari Supriharyono (2002), I propose the word has two meanings, first as a community, the community or communities or forest plants resistant to salinity / salinity (tidal water), both as individuals and species (Macnae, 1968). Rancu Macnae so that does not use the term "mangal" when related to community forest and the "I" for individual plants. Mangrove alive didaerah between the highest high tide level (maximum spring tide) level up to around or above the sea level on average (mean sea lavel). Communities living in the mangrove coastal protected areas in tropical and subtropical regions. According to McGill (1958) nearly 75% among plants mangrovehidup LU 35 º C - 35 º C and LS terbanyak in Southeast Asia. Mangrove forest is a coastal ecosystem, which has a high biological productivity. Estimated there are about 98 mangrove species that grow in the world, consists of 31 genera and 22 families. And there are about 12 - 16 species that are still doubtful whether the plants including mangrove or not. Mangrove plants can grow on poor environmental conditions, but each mangrove plants have a different ability to defend oneself against physical environmental conditions and chemical environment. There are four main factors that determine the distribution of mangrove plants, namely: the frequency of current, tide, salinity of land, water and soil temperature. Pantai Teluk Lombok, is a region that is included in a category estuaria because sanaterjadi meeting in two types of water, the sea water and fresh water. Biota in this area is the ability of biota that have adapted to the fluctuation of some parameters of water quality (particularly salinity) called euryhaline. Sealin is a high level sedimentasinya is also a factor for some restraint vegetation life, so he is able to adapt to conditions like that can live and breed in the region estuaria According Supriyano (2007). Didefenisikan coastal region as the transition region between sea and land, land cover towards areas that are still exposed to the influence of sea-water spray atu tidal, and towards the sea area includes the continental shelf. Coastal areas to be reviewed from various peruntukannya is a very productive area, this area is home to a variety of materials menumpuknya good that comes from upstream or from the local area due to various human activities, coastal areas is a region that is unique because it was found that a variety of ecosystems from tidal areas, estuaria, mangroves, coral reefs, yet the, wave pairs, the pairs and so on. Mangrove forests are also often referred to as mangroves, forests, brackish or tidal forest, is a transitional ecosystem between land and sea. There are areas in tropical or sub-tropical along the coast and in the protected creek. Mangrove forest ecosystem is a typical tropical regions and sub tropical. Mangrove forest is a coastal plant community dominated by several species of mangrove trees that are able to grow and develop in tidal areas in accordance with toleransinya against salinity, natural flooding, beach morphology and substrate. Therefore, the mangrove forest ecosystem is very important for the review and examined the variety of life terdapar that interact with each other in the surrounding environment need to know. Yet the ecosystem Tarumingkeng 2001. Yet think that the (Sea grass) is one of the ecosystem that is located in the coastal or shallow waters. Yet the community is a community single plant seeds (monokotil) from the class angiospermae. Plants, yet unique from other plants, there is perakaran and rhizoma of eksentif system. This region there is a boundary between the lowest ebb and flow into an up to where the sun can still reach the sea floor. Primary productivity of the community yet to reach 1 kg C/m2? Th, of that number only 3% are used by herbivora, 37% water and sink to the benthos used by 12% and float on the surface and lost from the ecosystem. Yet support the life of the biota is quite diverse and relate to one another. Network of food that between the biota and yet others are very complex. (Tarumingkeng, 2001) Ecosystems Coral Reefs According Nontji 2005. Coral Reefs (coral reef) is a unique ecosystem that exists in the tropics. Ecosystem productivity has a very high organic. Similarly, the diversity of biota that is in it. In the middle of the ocean there are also usually poor coral which is very productive to sometimes - sometimes in the coral reef is like supposing oase in the middle of the arid desert. Biota in the most important components of a coral reef is a coral stone animals (Stony coral), animals that are in the framework of Scleractinia body made from limestone materials. But besides that there are so many other types of biota that lives have close links with this coral stone. All involved in the functional relations in a harmonious ecosystem that is known to the reef ecosystem laut.By Ohm.*)
(*)-Fathur Rohim, mahasiswa STIPER Kutai-Timur.
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