How ever brought to the Children We?
Deep grief education we wrap up dead conscience (some) teachers and (in part) of the students we have just followed the national exam (UNAS). Patutlah ditorehkan in the history of our nation bobroknya a generation in the academic year 2008/2009, especially in the 33 high schools from 8 provinces in this country's beloved (and still may be more (Jawa Pos 2/6/09). It is very sad, apprehensive, and painful.
Sejatinya, UNAS gist is standardized (national) of the country. That many interests and other things attached to it, it is a different matter. Is very much be pitied, all interests are not taken to achieve the UNAS keyword: standardization (national). But only to graduation.
Apart from the UNAS for whom, miris to be careful because this has been a lot of violations in the implementation, including the last seconds. In fact, already done so many positive from the preparation of various parties (including students) who spent time, energy, and cost that is not small. As if, all of these become useless, except to write off the history of education in the country.
Mengenaskan. How does not. Aspects of education, things that is diagung-agungkan characteristics in the formation of a generation of the nation, has tercoreng by the existence of a mass movement that involves the systematic students of this country to kill''and''world intellectual ability. Moral education (through school, and religion) simply evaporate, as it were, will never have in their personality. Extraordinary danger delitescence this!
I imagine the dreadful impact of the future for generations such as this one. Where they engage in systematic agreement (whether with or without compulsion, and are not be) all the way to menghalalkan UNAS for graduation. As itukah basic values that we tanamkan for them?
If it continues so, which would be brought to our students? Remember, they are part of the future of this nation that we want to reminded of the nation as a progressive and noble berbudaya based Pancasila. Not as a swindler, corruptor, or other negative images. What did the world?
Do Pembenahan
Learning from this case, the government must take decisive steps. Without exception, any party involved in all this process should be a proportionate sanction. Then, it's time membenahi implementation of our education system, from upstream to downstream.
Even, if necessary, re-evaluate your system, refer to the PDCA cycle (plan, do, check, action) and the steps POAC (planning, organizing, Actuating, controlling). Need to be re-controlling the first was known in the form of embedded control. Do not''original''happy father. We have much to leave the patterns.
Pembenahan that can be done is internal and external. Start input stage (input), process, until eventually the output (output). Internally must get extra attention, namely students, educators, and educational institutions.
Other aspects in the internal pembenahan for students and educators is empowerment (empowering). Thus, they become confident in the education process, so no longer need the forms in the process of cheating is because they truly believe themselves capable of doing all of that.
The spirit that brought in pembenahan are improvements to the healthy competition with the people of the world. Depart from there, we can not menoleransi efforts dwarf the potential of our students.
We have proven, many of the students we are able to compete with fret achievement level education in the international arena. Not a few more. The world also began to consider and respect the outcome put the education system this country. Do not we nodai it.
Action Not Right
The more painful in this case is the solution that is being prepared: UNAS back. Lie in front of the eyes and how many great sacrifice of time, energy, and cost more to''generation involved recording the history of this''bad. Then, how about those in other parts of the country which is not passed because''not participate in the recording history?''They also have the same rights to attend the re-examination!
Apart from cheating clause (systematic and massive), a policy that should be taken for cases like this is to follow what has been outlined in our education system. Namely, that they do not call the pass-it-any of the test. Similarly, institutions / schools should get involved in sanctions. There is no compromise.
This becomes very important because the next generation of this nation should have to apply that we teach together,''the law''punishment and reward. Menghalalkan law''is not any way''to achieve a goal. Indeed, generation of this nation will be able appreciate the certainty that every action has consequences: the consequences of both a positive and vice versa.
Positive mental attitude like that will form the character of each of the students we are. Character that is, according to experts, is the essence of leadership. When the students now know the consequences of our actions, we can soon expect many of them can lead this nation with a more intelligent, so that the world can see the benefits of our nation with respect. (By Ohm ).(*)
*) Dr Sugiharto MARS, lecturer at the Faculty of Medical Wijaya Kusuma University Surabaya