1. Temperature
Indonesian sea surface temperature generally ranges between 26 - 19 º C. Because the waters of Indonesia affected by the monsoon, the SPL of them also follow the changes in seasons. On the west season (December - January - February), SPL in Western Regions of Indonesia (KBI), in general, relatively lower than in the east (June - July - August). SPL near the South China Sea in the west ranged between 26 - 28 º C, while in Eastern Indonesia (KTI) kisarannya between 28 - 29 º C. In the east of the season going, the SPL in the KTI ranged from 26 to 28 º C, while in the KBI ranges between 28 - 29 º C. (Dahuri, 1996)
2. Stream
Flow merupaakn movement of a mass flow of water that can be caused by a wind gust, or because of density differences in sea water can be also caused by long-wave movement. The latter include, among others, the flow disebabakan pairs sirut. Flow caused by the ebb and flow can be more generally observed in coastal waters, especially in the strait - a narrow passage with the tidal range is high. In the open sea, the direction and strength of surface currents in lapisi very much determined by the wind. (Nontji, 2005)
3. Waves
Waves were found in the sea surface, in general form because of the transfer of energy from wind to the sea surface, or at the time - time is caused by a specific earthquake in the seabed. Waves spread kesegala this direction to bring the energy and the lepaskannya to the beach in the form of hempasan waves. Rambatan waves can travel thousands of kilo meters distance before reaching a beach. Waves approaching the coast will experience refraction (refraction), and akan memusat (Convergence) when approaching the peninsula, or spread (divergence) if a basin. In addition, the waves of the shallow water will be spilling, plunging, collapsing or surging. All the phenomena experienced in the waves caused by the fact the primary marine topography (sea bottom topography). (Dahuri, 1996)
4. Salinity
Salinity in general can be referred to as the amount of salt from the womb of a water, expressed in permil. Sea water salinity range is between 0 - 40 ‰, which means that the salt contents ranged from 0 - 40 g / kg of sea water. In general, salinity surface waters of Indonesia the average - the average is between 32 - 340 ‰. (Dahuri, 1996)
5. Temperature
The temperature in the sea is one of the factors that are very important for the life of organisms in the ocean, because temperature affects the metabolism and activities of the Maintenance-organisms are organisms.
Both sea and land both be heated by the sun through a process that in insolation. However, the influence of heating is not the same for regions that are located on a different latitude.
Mainland does not have the same capacity as the ability of water in the heat store, the land more quickly receive the heat of the sea but also the land more quickly into the cold of the sea at the time does not occur insolation. As a result, temperature differences occur didaratan very large compared with the sea Sahala Hutabarat and Stewart M. Evan (1985).
6. Salinity
Sonny Komaruddin (2004), salinity is not only refer to the womb natrium clorida (NaCl2), but all reflect the ion-ion concentration is in water, such as natrium, magnesium, calcium, potassium, bicarbonate etc.. Per each ino is varied in the different waters, so that salinity can didefenisikan average concentration of all the salt there is in the water alut. Generally described in the salinity of the ion terlarut grams per kilogram of water, or the equivalent part denagn per thaosand (ppt). In the sea water, salinity denagn Relationships between the actual ion klorida as:
Salinity (ppt) = 1.80655 x Cl-(ppt)
Salinity is more stable in the open sea, although in some places sometimes change. Changes caused by the large number of water lost as a result of the large amount of evaporation and rainfall. Changes in salinity can mempenagruhi oxygen consumption. Fontaine and Raffy (1935), melaporak that oxygen consumption increased when salinity down.
7. Degree of acidity (pH)
Sonny Komaruddin (2004), Degrees kasaman or pH didefenisikan as negative ion activity of hydrogen ion (H +). PH value reflects the intention kebasaan acid or water, denagn scale ranges from 0-14. In the fresh water, pH value equivalent to the hydrogen ion concentration in the water, so that in the neutral condition, the concentration of hydrogen ion (H +) will be in units of 10-7 mol / ltr. Niali fresh water pH ranged between 5-9, bahakn in places particular value is outside these ranges. In the water alut, sitem "buffer capacity" form bicarbonat - borat - carbonic held usually much larger, so more stable in the pH range 8 - 8.5. "Buffer Capacity" is usually reflected by the alkalinitas; alkalinitas the higher, the higher the "Buffer Capacity" is, more stable pH.by Ohm*)
(*)Fathur Rohim,
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