The weakness in the form Manohara
Beautiful women, family issues called Manohara Odelia Pinot with her husband who came from Malaysia siphon attention of many parties. As a fellow child of the nation, the author is concerned with the issue of succession Manohara family. Hopefully all problems have a quick way to find out the answer. It is very interesting is when some members of the House of Representatives (even the president and vice president) participated in giving attention to the problems of this family. The author wondered, what the leaders on the state to give great attention to the issue of family Manohara? Manohara because what a woman having a certain beautiful, or because Manohara comes from the family is enough? The weakness Manohara family problems (with all the responses as above) reflects the weakness of some nations to be considered by all parties. At least in the three main things. First, the nation tends to be discriminatory to treat people. The issues faced by families and are honored, especially from the officials, tended to get greater attention from all parties rather than their problems come from families who can not afford or mob. Attention to the problems of large families are not only coming from the leader country, but also from the media who have, either in print or electronic media. Recognized or not, many in this country who have experienced the problems of the family very seriously. Not only the issue of domestic violence as experienced Manohara, but the issues in the more crucial, such as the need to cover all shortfalls in daily life. Manohara (may be) is correct in the case of domestic violence. However, violence in the household that they must scrounge for the need to cover day-to-day life is much more severe and tighten. Not infrequently, violence in the family such as this make young children should be there to beg here. Violence in their families have made their children lose the opportunity to learn. Violence in their family has been making children gadisnya simply can not afford to buy new clothes, let alone buy clothes-sheen used Manohara. Where is the country's attention to the problems of families like this? Where is the media attention to their tragic fate? Do they need to dress up beautiful first (like Manohara) to get all the attention? This is not fair! Second, weak protection of the state against citizens, especially those in foreign (WNI). Either case is how many thousands of children that overrides the nation abroad, such as the issue of wages was minimal, the treatment of the employer, and so forth. In general, the issues faced by children in foreign nations become clogged when dealing with the rule of law and local state. As a result, the issues are not solved quickly and correctly. In other words, the bargaining position of the nation is so weak in front of foreign countries. Both in the environment of Asia, the Middle East, or other. Those who have problems in overseas kerapkali not get protection from the country. It is concern when the children of the nation abroad lose protection from the state. They must fight and face all the problems that have "a kara". But, the more concern is the issue they rarely get the attention of the media in the country and the leaders of the country. Third, the weak role (protection) Keduataan of the Republic of Indonesia (Indonesian embassy) in foreign countries. So far, this is not only about the weakness of the Manohara KBRI. Almost all citizens abroad who have experienced problems have the same complaint. As representatives of the country abroad, the Indonesian embassy in can not fully blame. Like light, KBRI only "reflect" light from the center. When strong light in the center, the reflection KBRI will also be strong. Similarly, vice versa. In conditions like this, Indonesia's position in the foreign countries to be a "source" of all issues, as well as the "source" of all the required exit. For, as presented above, the weak bargaining position in Indonesia before the foreign countries to make this nation can not afford to protect their children with problems overseas. Therefore, to improve the bargaining position of Indonesia in the global political stage be absolute. Thus, the issues that have WNI can be completed quickly and precisely. The challenge Capres Three issues on the challenges to be serious candidates for the president and vice president (Capres-cawapres) that will fight in the upcoming presidential election. Three issues above require real work, not just a campaign slogan to attract people's attention. In economic matters, for example, problems of poverty and the proletariat must be the main concern. Of course, attention is not just rant menggembor with the term "economic democracy" as the popularity of late. Next, the sovereignty of the nation must be firm and committed so that the nation has a high bargaining position in front of foreign countries. Enforcement of this can only be done in a way to empower and complete the problem (economic) faced the mob. This is because they are the main backbone of the nation! *).by ohm.
(*)- Zulaicha, housewife, living in Jakarta.
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