physiology can be defined as the science of studying the function, mechanism, and how to work from the organ, the network, and cellular organisms. Trying to explain the physiology of the physical and chemical bertanggunng responsible akan development and progression of life. In physiology Animal physiology learned that water is one of how animals adapt to the water environment.
Osmoregulasi is the effort to control the balance of water and ion-ion between the body and the environment or the process of setting a pressure osmose. This is important because it is done:
1.Harus occur between the balance of body and substance of the environment.
2.Membran cells that permeabel is the place lewatnya some substance that moves quickly.
Osmose pressure 3.Perbedaan between body fluids and the environment
No organisms that live in fresh water does not make a difference osmoregulasi due osmose pressure as well as with the fish.
In the amount of fish there are so many in the nekton. They are often divided into several groups that have lived in fresh water are also living in salt water (sea water) in the sea where fish life can be divided up litoral (influenced by the tide), sub litoral (land), bathy, and abyssal (ocean which is in) (Fujaya, 1999).
Ikan Air Tawar Osmoregulasi
Fujaya (1999) explains that Teleostei freshwater hiperosmotik be against the environment, causing water to move into the body and the environment in a way diffusion. To maintain the balance of body fluids and fresh water fish berosmoregulasi way to drink a little or not drink at all. To reduce the excess water in the body of the fish produce a large amount of urin. Then by using the energy metabolik kidney mengabsorbsi back some salt from the salt-urinnya. Gill also take active salt-salt environment from the use of energy metabolik. Absorbsi this can occur due to voltage differences between the aletrik in and outside increasing the positive ion transport through the gill.
Osmoregulasi Fish sea water
Fujaya (1999) revealed that the pressure of osmose water is higher than in the body fluids of fish then the water will flow in the body of the fish to the environment via diffusion through kidneys and skin may also, on the salt-salt akan into the body through the process of diffusion , karenannya fish do osmoregulasi to maintain a balance between the concentration of the salt body and the environment have to do with drinking water.
Teleostei sea maintain ion-ion concentration in plasma total about a third of the ion concentration of sea water. Have drinking water with the loss of sea water in the fish body can be replaced, but with the same amount of salt-garamjuga akan including to participate in the intestine. In normal conditions the fish drink sea water 10 ml/100 gr / hr.(*)by Ohm
(*)- fathur rohim
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