Pantai Teluk Lombok is one of the beaches in the District of Kutai, East sought by so many tourists who come to the city Sangatta-East Kutai regency. Pantai Teluk Lombok usually visited by tourists and investors and contractors who want to benefit from the natural resources of coal mines in the Kutai Timur.puncak-crowd the beach on the Bay of Lombok seen at the National Day holiday and school holidays, because the parents along with their children on holiday to enjoy the beauty of the coast Bay of Lombok that do not want to miss that can only be enjoyed in the school holidays. Pantai Teluk Lombok, is a region that is included in one category because there estuaria meeting occurred two types of water, the sea water and fresh water. Biota in this area is the ability of biota that have adapted to the fluctuation of some parameters of water quality (particularly salinity) called euryhaline. In addition, the level of sedimentation rate is also a factor for some restraint vegetation life, so he is able to adapt to conditions like that can live and breed in the region estuari Supriharyono (2002), I propose the word has two meanings, first as a community, the community or communities or forest plants resistant to salinity / salinity (tidal water), both as individuals and species (Macnae, 1968). Rancu Macnae so that does not use the term "mangal" when related to community forest and the "I" for individual plants. Mangrove alive didaerah between the highest high tide level (maximum spring tide) level up to around or above the sea level on average (mean sea lavel). Communities living in the mangrove coastal protected areas in tropical and subtropical regions. According to McGill (1958) nearly 75% among plants mangrovehidup LU 35 º C - 35 º C and LS terbanyak in Southeast Asia. Mangrove forest is a coastal ecosystem, which has a high biological productivity. Estimated there are about 98 mangrove species that grow in the world, consists of 31 genera and 22 families. And there are about 12 - 16 species that are still doubtful whether the plants including mangrove or not. Mangrove plants can grow on poor environmental conditions, but each mangrove plants have a different ability to defend oneself against physical environmental conditions and chemical environment. There are four main factors that determine the distribution of mangrove plants, namely: the frequency of current, tide, salinity of land, water and soil temperature. Pantai Teluk Lombok, is a region that is included in a category estuaria because sanaterjadi meeting in two types of water, the sea water and fresh water. Biota in this area is the ability of biota that have adapted to the fluctuation of some parameters of water quality (particularly salinity) called euryhaline. Sealin is a high level sedimentasinya is also a factor for some restraint vegetation life, so he is able to adapt to conditions like that can live and breed in the region estuaria According Supriyano (2007). Didefenisikan coastal region as the transition region between sea and land, land cover towards areas that are still exposed to the influence of sea-water spray atu tidal, and towards the sea area includes the continental shelf. Coastal areas to be reviewed from various peruntukannya is a very productive area, this area is home to a variety of materials menumpuknya good that comes from upstream or from the local area due to various human activities, coastal areas is a region that is unique because it was found that a variety of ecosystems from tidal areas, estuaria, mangroves, coral reefs, yet the, wave pairs, the pairs and so on. Mangrove forests are also often referred to as mangroves, forests, brackish or tidal forest, is a transitional ecosystem between land and sea. There are areas in tropical or sub-tropical along the coast and in the protected creek. Mangrove forest ecosystem is a typical tropical regions and sub tropical. Mangrove forest is a coastal plant community dominated by several species of mangrove trees that are able to grow and develop in tidal areas in accordance with toleransinya against salinity, natural flooding, beach morphology and substrate. Therefore, the mangrove forest ecosystem is very important for the review and examined the variety of life terdapar that interact with each other in the surrounding environment need to know. Yet the ecosystem Tarumingkeng 2001. Yet think that the (Sea grass) is one of the ecosystem that is located in the coastal or shallow waters. Yet the community is a community single plant seeds (monokotil) from the class angiospermae. Plants, yet unique from other plants, there is perakaran and rhizoma of eksentif system. This region there is a boundary between the lowest ebb and flow into an up to where the sun can still reach the sea floor. Primary productivity of the community yet to reach 1 kg C/m2? Th, of that number only 3% are used by herbivora, 37% water and sink to the benthos used by 12% and float on the surface and lost from the ecosystem. Yet support the life of the biota is quite diverse and relate to one another. Network of food that between the biota and yet others are very complex. (Tarumingkeng, 2001) Ecosystems Coral Reefs According Nontji 2005. Coral Reefs (coral reef) is a unique ecosystem that exists in the tropics. Ecosystem productivity has a very high organic. Similarly, the diversity of biota that is in it. In the middle of the ocean there are also usually poor coral which is very productive to sometimes - sometimes in the coral reef is like supposing oase in the middle of the arid desert. Biota in the most important components of a coral reef is a coral stone animals (Stony coral), animals that are in the framework of Scleractinia body made from limestone materials. But besides that there are so many other types of biota that lives have close links with this coral stone. All involved in the functional relations in a harmonious ecosystem that is known to the reef ecosystem laut.By Ohm.*)
(*)-Fathur Rohim, mahasiswa STIPER Kutai-Timur.
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