Approach Integrated Management of Environmental Pollution
Law enforcement, particularly relating to the protection of the environment is a very determining factor in the management of heavy metal pollution. Although many policies have been created in order to obtain environmental quality, if law enforcement does not run properly target achieved akan sia-sia During this two known versions of the definition, the first is the "change does not become dirty or pure both morally and seremonial" , while the second definition, is "physically not create so pure, rotten and dirty" (Haslam, 1990).
However, based on survey results from some of the definition of pollution, Hellawell (1986) concluded that the pollution is as "something (substances or objects) that
are in the wrong place, at the wrong time, and the amount of the wrong. " Environmental pollution has a close relationship with human activities, because during the last two centuries this has been a momentum increase of environmental degradation in the overall surface of the earth as a result of human activities. This condition worsened again by the number of human population from time to time always increases rapidly, while the results of the processing technology of waste does not occur so that certain positive correlation between the speed increase with human population increase in the quantity of waste earth.
Divided based on the environmental pollution; 1) intesitasnya, ignore the size of the effects of pollution, 2) persistensi, especially when refinement is done only at the downstream course, and 3) sustainable or not sporadik and chronic.
Resources Pencemar
Separation of the more simple type of pollution on the environment can be done based on the source pencemar itself, namely: natural, domestic, and industry. When we refer to the definition of the pollution as "a (substances or objects) that are on the place, time and the wrong number", the term natural pollution that does not actually exist. However, we often find a habitat that is not comfortable or is not appropriate for the survival of many organisms is not caused by human ulah. In this case, in which nature does not always work to support a life, such as
for example the existence of radon gas in almiah coming from the uranium fraction in the layer of earth has come through the soil into the water source. The reduced oxygen in the water because melimpahnya natural leaf fall can also cause terganggunya life of water organisms.
The definition of domestic waste is waste as a result of the filth comes from households that are directly disposed to the environment. Along with advances in technology have increased the types of domestic waste to be more difficult to be destructed. One example is the use of wrapping materials made of plastic that was difficult to unravel the position of natural materials (leaves and stem bark trees) that are far easier to unravel naturally.
Process chemistry, physics, and biology have play an important role in the decomposition mechanism as long as domestic waste quantity and intensity of waste disposal is still in the normal limit. Unfortunately the increased human population has caused the increased quantity and intensity of domestic waste disposal, so make the process of natural decomposition of waste is not to be balanced. When this happens continuously, Soemarwoto (1991) estimate akan occurred: kadar increasing BOD, COD, N and K in the rivers, many wells and other water sources in the piece that showed the bacteria was the occurrence of contamination by feces and in the end can spur the growth of water weeds.
Waste generated from industrial pollution in general are inorganic waste that has a wide diversity with a small kemiripin. Industrial waste can be gas, liquid and solid as a result of side activities: the factory, petanian, livestock, forestry and others. Industrial waste is often mixed with that of domestic waste to be removed in a water system would further improve the impact damage on the total water resources are. Increased use of medicines agriculture (pesticides and fertilizers) have significantly contributed to the pollution of the environment.
Some types of waste as a result of human activities that contaminate the region downstream from the River Flow (DAS) in the Tulang Bawang Lampung Province has been identified by Rivai et al. (1991a) in the form of accumulation of inorganic waste materials. More Rivai (2000f) also reported that the pollution of coastal areas most heavily in the Province
Lampung there in the East coast, where the type of waste consisting of: liquid organic waste products, plastic and cans, fertilizers, pesticides, natural and domestic waste. Environmental toxicology Environmental toxicology is basically the science of studying the behavior of chemical substances and estimates the impact caused both of living organisms and their environment. Included in decipher and predict environmental changes that will occur over the entrance pencemar compound as a result of human activities in the environment (Levin et al. 1989). With all forms of pressure on issues of environmental toxicology and environmental sciences are expected to perform a variety of approaches to environmental problems are more detailed and precise. Based on the concept and methodology of environmental toxicology, observed a case of poisoned not only done just right, but it should be possible to start from scratch since, for example, from infancy, growth, adulthood and old age.
In addition will be more perfect when the results of toxicology research environment involves factors related to the social: periaku, education, economic and even political might. The scope of scientific research include toxicology toksisitas chemical compound used for the field: medicine, food industry, agriculture / animal husbandry, industry, chemicals, mining and others.
In principle, science is the embodiment of toxicology alleged occurrence of a change caused by the entrance to the toxic compound in the environment. Along with the natural ecosystem in itself has been a constant change in which it can be a challenge to distinguish the impact antropogenik with the impact of natural fluctuations. According to Kelly and Harwell (1989), in the science of toxicology research environment there are important steps that can not be ignored for, among others;
1. The process of movement pencemar compound in the environment, for example: how to behave, the quantity, concentration and distribution of the compound in the ecosystem.
2. Frequency and duration of compound pencemar located in a ecosystem.
3. Specifications kimianya nature.
4. Ability to survive in the new ecosystem conditions place.
5. Have responses back to the biological effects of environmental processes that can cause a change.
6. Interaction with the chemical compound antropogenik or other pressure on the ecosystem.
7. The division of chemical compound into components ekositem.
8. Movement or movement of chemical compound in the form of the original return
9. Loss of chemical compound from the ecosystem through the division of the pace back.
The main purpose of the environmental management efforts in its core is to obtain the certainty of the environment "healthy" for human life. Environmental toxicology can be used to monitor the contamination of a toxic compound in the environment with the use of human bio-indicators. Rivai (1995, 1999c, and 2001รข) reported that hair and nails are the best bioindikator compared with the other organs for use in monitoring heavy metal contamination of humans.
Some of the benefits obtained are: 1) It is not necessary because the actions and operations to get otopsi; 2) Can be stored for a long time before the analyze without damage or change in structure. 3) Easy to take, send, and not be moved because penyimpannya
need a place such as a special refrigerator. and 3) Relatively lightweight and flexible, so easy to adjust with the use of equipment in the laboratory analysis. Heavy Metal Pollution, heavy Metal is the chemical compound that is potentially cause environmental pollution problems, especially those closely related to the impact of human health. According Vouk (1986) there are as many as 80 of some 109 types of chemical elements that have been identified in the land included in this type of heavy metal, the chemical nature of such heavy metals can be said to represent most of the inorganic chemicals. Heavy metals are usually defined based on physical attributes in the solid state using technology that has been developed. Physical attributes, among other features: 1) Power pantul light on high, 2) Power hantar electricity rates, 3) Power hantar summer, and 4) the strength and resilience. Heavy metals in the solid state can also be based on: kristalnya structure, fastening kimianya nature, and nature magnitnya. Heavy metals solubility in water and fat is a process that toxicology is very important, because this process is one of the main factors that affect the biological processes of absorption and heavy metal itself.
Analysis method for determining the concentration of heavy metals up to now the most popular use is Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom (SSA). The principle of this SSA is essentially a process pengatoman from the primary level to higher level, where in each process pengatoman this heavy metal has a radiation with a specific wavelength. Kneip and Friberg (1986) argues that in determining the actual weight of metal, there are three main issues must be considered, namely, accuracy, accuracy and detection limit. Type of solvent used in chemical analysis of the metal can affect the results of analysis. Rivai (2000a), reported that the sample extraction using a solvent HNO3 concentration of heavy metals produced almost 10 times higher than the HCl solvent.
Based on the point of view of toxicology, heavy metals divided into two types, namely: the first essential heavy metal which keberadaanya in a certain amount is needed by every living organism, such as, among others, zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), cobalt (Co), mangaan (Mn) and others. The two heavy metals is not essential or toxic, in which the existence of living organisms in the body until the time is still not known exactly even benefit can be toxic, such as for example, mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), reciprocal (Pb), chromium (Cr) and others.
Heavy metals are essential tebentuk as an integral part of the at least one type of enzyme. Walupun essential heavy metals are required by every living organism, but in excessive amounts can cause toxic effects. Feed Research on copper (Cu) as the essential heavy metal that has been done in the Village of Sands Parahu, Cianjur, West Java shows that the recommended limit has been reached, but does not exceed the maximum allowed (Rivai et al. 1988). During this time in the management of the environment we are antroposentris view, the view the problem only from the point of human interest only. Humans interact with the environment as it affects his life and the environment influenced by his life. Therefore, environmental management must be holistic, that is looked as a whole unit (Soemarwoto, 1983). Human role in environmental problems more Diperjelas again by Nissihira et al. (1997) who argued that the problem is environmental damage to the environment that each occurred as a result of human activities results, Lately, which is always the main topic for discussion is a hot issue on the global environment changes such as: ozone layer depletion, cumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere, acid rain, global climate change, environmental pollution and the process of deforestation, and others. Heavy metal pollution succession to give a real contribution to global environmental change issues, especially in the case of the entrance to the toxic compound in the environment as a result of industrial activity, agriculture, perternakan, forestry and others. During the consideration that this problem is happening in global environmental issues are the sole mechanism can only be clearly revealed through the natural science course, the human approach to the issue of exclusive tehadap only change the global environment through science. Various aspects ManusiaMenurut Dimensions Suzuki (1999) we have not time to get out an effective way to solve the problem change the global environment, because in many cases that is the main man of the occurrence of environmental problems in the hemisphere is different. In the management of people should have been covered in several dimensions, such as: education, environmental education, knowledge, perception, and awareness of human behavior itself against environmental problems (Nishihira et al. 1997).
Having the dimensions of human diversity is an important step that has brought us to the conditions and forms of global environmental changes on a different dimensinya. To get a good way out in solving environmental problems, it is time well in the country that have been developed and developing countries began to develop a variety of research on the human dimensions of global environmental change (Torigoe, 1997).
Role of Science Social Environment for this has been continuously used to meet human needs of all life, including in it to expand and improve the habitat quality of human life. Basically, in the face environmental problems, that need to be managed is not
only the environmental aspects of the sole, but it manusialah aspect that should be more dititikberatkan in management. Therefore, the time is for us to always involve the social sciences in environmental management efforts. The scope of the social sciences are included here in sciences: law, politics, economics, anthropology, education and others.
However good and sempurnanya a concept of environment that is designed by experts, but if management does not involve itself as a human user, and implementing it can be ascertained the result will be futile. Since some forty years ago the relationship between environment and socio-political conflict has become a particular issue of interest to learn more. Many research results show that the impact of the conflict has created a decline in the quality of the environment worse. Some cases fall in the bombing of the war is the latest evidence that show how water and land on the target location can be tercemar.
A very striking case occurred at the Gulf War environment where the devastation has been used as a reason for the welfare of mankind (Ornas and Strom, 1999). Similarly, vice versa, a scarcity of resources may cause the occurrence of war, where the environmental damage that occurs will be more difficult to regenerate. This dilemma can be due to the reduced supply of both natural resources and environmental damage due to the increased demand of natural resources in line with the increasing human population. However until now we are still not able to mark when a secure environment it is said from a scarcity of resources to the explanation can be discovered when a new conflict that is in the form of attack. The Integrated Pollution heavy metals is one of the factors of the occurrence of the issue of global environmental changes, especially in the case of environmental pollution by toxic heavy metal compound. Through science various efforts to minimize the impact can be made starting from the steps to identify, thin, until the change in the presence of the compound in both the natural and the body of living organisms through chemical analysis, physics and biology. However, approach the problem through the heavy metal pollution study
knowledge of nature that can not only solve the problem without a thorough environmental and social sciences involved.
Some developed countries such as USA, UK, Japan, Canada and others can be an example in the case of a heavy metal pollution, but at the same time these countries can also be used as an example in the case of an integrated approach to the problem. In the case of environment continuously improve their skills in the field of science and technology such as: sampling techniques and analysis of compound toxicity, land reclamation, and processing of waste liquid / solid. In line with the action, in the same time they also increase the field of social sciences in the framework of perception, knowledge, awareness and human behavior in terms of the right masalahmasalah the heavy metal pollution. Some examples of concrete in the field on the behavior of people in developed countries in the heavy metal pollution, among others: 1) Do not throw directly to the environment in the solid waste that contain metal. 2) Waste chemical compound derived from hospital and laboratory research is not to be thrown directly in the channel water, but are collected and sent to a place that has been set. 3) Avoid the use of baby equipment and toys made of metal. 4) Not using waste items as wrapping food mold. 5) Avoid the use of cosmetics containing toxic metals, such as metallic mercury which is usually used as basic material skin whitener. The above example is a simple example of the form that has been very common by the people realize the level of the bottom layer to top. Have knowledge of the goods can not be obtained simply by the people but through the process of education, law enforcement, and delivery information on a continual basis.
Role of Environmental Education
Environmental education has a role of a strategic and important in preparing people to solve environmental problems, as was decided at the International Conference on the Earth Brazil and in the Agenda 21 in Chapter 36. Only through education can develop the environment in mind in terms of support measures for local and global scale. Concern is not the end goal of environmental education but also must be followed by concrete steps. Apart from that, education alone is the path to positive change in the modern period. Humans need to continue their education, particularly in the areas of environment because the development of a rapid change and the understanding of the environment. Some results of research tools (Kawashima, 1999, Suzuki et al. 1999, Soerjani 1998 and Sudarmadi et al. 2001), reported that the higher the education level of a society the higher the perception and awareness of community, giving rise to attitudes and behavior in a better face environmental problems. Therefore, environmental education should be intensified and komperhensif through all levels of education both formal and non-formal.
Role of Mass Media
Increased knowledge about human life if the environment without the efforts of information dissemination of knowledge itself to be sure will be a barrier to the creation of a quality environment. Especially in the case of heavy metal pollution at any time which can only occur a change or shift. Meanwhile at the same time information technology is expected to pave the way for the dissemination of information for a better society and a more responsive government. Mass media are included here: print media, radio, television and internet. Print media, especially newspapers have important role in the dissemination of information environment issues. This has been proven in several studies, one of them Fang (1997), reported that 64% of the population of the city of Beijing and Shanghai in China to get information about the environmental problems that come from the newspaper. Similarly Rivai (2001b), showed that newspaper for the city of Bandarlampung media is the most effective source of information as a problem of pollution with heavy metals compared to radio and television. This may be because the newspaper is a media that is relatively inexpensive and easily obtained, so tend to have high effectiveness in the dissemination of information is higher when compared with other media such as radio, television and internet.
Law enforcement environment
Law enforcement, particularly relating to the protection of the environment is a very determining factor in the management of heavy metal pollution. Although many policies have been diciptakankan in order to get a quality environment, but if law enforcement does not run properly then the target will be achieved will be futile. According to Hiraoka (1997), there are several things that influence the success of the implementation of an integrated approach to the management of heavy metal pollution: 1) Improvement of professional expertise in the field on a continual basis in line with the environmental changes that occur globally. 2) Development of the policy environment that is easily understood by humans that can be implemented effectively. 3) the functioning peneggakan law in implementing the policy set. 4) Availability of delivery techniques appropriate information.
Awareness of the importance and role of the intellectual leaders in order to support the protection of the environment that will bring the beauty of nature around us. (By Ohm)*
(*)-fathur rohim
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